The Deal ||Intro||

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Your P.O.V

It had been years since I was kicked out of private school, my parents won't let me step in the house for what I did, and now I am currently living in a two story- damaged apartment that had no air conditioning at all.

The reason I'm in the apartment without paying with 'money' is because I am a thief.

I had made a deal with the manager of the building and they offered me a job where I steal and give 99.9% of what I get.

Yes, it sucks only getting so little.
But it is fun stealing.

Watching their expressions change from zero to a hundred real quick is quite amusing.

Your possibly wondering why I'm in this 'mess' in the first place.

Well, it all started in my first year of private school. I was placed in there because of the amount of people that bullied me in public school for the way my appearance looked. They never liked my sense of style. They thought I was.. Crazy. I was a loner.

Once I was placed into private school, the bullying only got worse. I would get my face slammed on to the stalls of the restrooms, shoved roughly, physically hurt pretty much all the time.

What did my parents do, you ask?
They ignored the problem. Apparently they had bigger problems. Their marriage. Soon after two months passed, my parents were divorced.

Life was shit.

Then I got to a breaking point to where if someone picked on me, I would go insane.

And this leads to why I was kicked out of the private school.

A group of girls thought it was funny to punch the side of my head numerous times. And that's when I completely lost it and yanked out my pocket knife, grazing their clothes and skin with all my force.

Obviously they survived. But they were in severe conditions. I almost got arrested but I hid. Some place that no one would even think to find me in.

After the word about the incident was gone, I went home and explained to my parents.

Without hesitation, they kicked me out. I was left on the streets abandoned at 18.  Now I am 23, 'living the life!'

Haha, just kidding. This life is shit, as I mentioned earlier.

I was interrupted by a loud knock on the door to my apartment.

Miss. Sugar Grannie.

No joke. That's her actual name.

"(Y/N)! Open the GODDAMN DOOR!" She shouted, ready to explode any second

"Or what!?" I declared

"Young lady I will kick this door down with all my force and-"

I stopped her before she could even continue and said: "I guess I have nothing to worry about then since your going to 'kick this door down' "

With hesitation, I got up and opened the door for Grannie and was greeted by her wrinkly tan middle finger

"Wow, someone's in a bad mood." Scoffing at the fact of being lectured by her, I walked to the 'kitchen' and grabbed an ice cold water bottle for myself

"Your rent, honey." Grannie said with sass.

"Miss. Sugar Grannie!" A dramatic gasp escaped my mouth "Is that sass I hear?"

"Quiet, (Y/N)." She sighed, already stressed out "You know how this goes." Looking at the folder she handed me, I realized that I had to go on another theft mission.

I hate these and love these at the same time.

"So soon?" I read the destination of where the stealing will occur

"You betcha'  " Grannie raised her eyebrows

"I have to steal 30K from this club?!" I mentioned with shock


I know Sugar Grannie is crazy but DAMN

"Mhm. The other 20K is going to Mister Joker, himself. "

"Who the hell is-" Before I could I could even continue, she cut me off shoving me to the door

"No more questions! In the folder, it says where Mister Joker wants to meet up to give him the money." She responded

"Wait.." I read through the papers "I have to continue the mission at 6PM????!!!"

"Damn right" Grannie said while grabbing a beer

"That's in 20 minutes!" I sighed in frustration "WHY didn't you tell me any earlier??"

"Woops." She sarcastically said while making her way out of the room and into the apartment's hallway.

"AND I HAVE TO HAVE THE MONEY READY BY 8PM???" Shouting at the damn old lady, she just turned around with a smug look on her face and said:

"Mister Joker doesn't like waiting" She spoke in a sing-song tone.

Boy, did I hate that lady.

But life is life. I had nothing to worry about since I was practically a master at this type of stuff.

"You have to be there at 8 sharp. I don't think you would like to hear the consequences"  Grannie chuckled with so much amusement

"You know I don't." I rolled my eyes, getting her out of my apartment room.

"How rude!" Grannie mentioned but I just shut the door on her face and got ready for my upcoming mission.

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