The Assassination

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Your POV

I woke up to a ray of sunshine hitting my face.
Opening my eyes and waiting for them to adjust to the light, I began to hear classical music coming from downstairs

There was a hint of a voice
It sounded as if there was someone singing along to the melody

"Ohhhh (Y/N)!" Joker called out to me

I followed the stairs down to Joker

"Was that you singing?" I folded my arms and gave him a smirk

"If I were to say yes, then in that case, did you like it?" He showed a childish grin

"I loved it" His singing was surprisingly good

With that being said, he pulled me closer to him

"Aren't you just glad you met me?" Joker whispered into my ear, teasing me

"Very" I let out a despondent sigh, realizing that I had to go back to my crappy apartment to do my next mission. Or just possibly get another lecture by that crazy old lady. "As much as I would love to stay here and cuddle with you all day and night, I can't. Unfortunately, I have an old lady that is constantly on my ass in my apartment waiting for me to give me my next mission."   

Joker frowned at the thought of me leaving him "I won't let you leave "  A mischievous grin crept onto his lips 

"What do you mean?

"I'm gonna keep you here. Hold you hostage" The evergreen-haired man undeniably stated 

"They won't believe that. She, won't believe that." I clarified 

"Please don't go" Joker initiated pouting

"Goodbye, Mr. J" There, I picked up my now-wrinkled shirt off from the floor and put it on before pecking Joker's cold, smooth lips

"Careful.." Joker grinned in a deriding way as he tugged me close, brushing his lips against mine

If only this could go on for hours. 

With hesitation, I pulled away and walked out the front door as my body impacted with a frigid breeze of wind 

***Time Skip***

"Where the HELL have you been?" Sugar Grannie paced, looking out the windows to my room as if there were someone she was supposed to look out for 

"I was with The Joker. He needed help with a few things"  I lied, trying not to giggle 

"Mhm. 'Help'. He probably made you suck his dick or something" Grannie gave a devilish chuckle that sent shivers down my spine 

"What's got you so mad that I had to come back?

There was a short silence but was soon broken once Grannie responded to my question 

"Quinn came here. She wants you dead. Of course, she gave me deeds on how she wants you dead." The old lady poured herself some vodka

"You know, you shouldn't be drinking that at this age" Chuckling at my little 'joke', Grannie looked up at me and away from her beverage with a stern look

"Now is not a time for jokes, (Y/N)." She sighed looking rather tense "She wants you gone. Assassinated." Taking a sip of her vodka, she waited for the burning sensation in her throat to go away before continuing "She hired a hit-man already know."


A hit-man? 


"Is she seriously that jealous?" After a few seconds of processing what I had just said, I came to realization that now Grannie was going to ask what I meant



"Did she by any chance see you with Joker?"


"Uhhh...." I bit my lip nervously, getting ready for the old woman to point her wrinkled finger at me, scolding me for what I had done

"ARE YOU INSANE?" Her eyes were wider than usual whenever I would do something wrong

"This Harley must be a 'big deal' " My tone had a hint of sarcasm in it

"Oh, she is. And she won't stop attempting to hurt you in any way possible until she succeeds, (Y/N)!!!" Grannie paced around the room, chugging down her vodka

"She's not gonna catch me. Let alone, KILL me"

Grannie's cold eyes stared at me as she shook her head in disappointment before leaving the room 

I stood there on the tan carpet, petrified at what could possible happen. 

Running out the room, I managed to catch up to Grannie "WAIT!!"

She stopped in her steps, turning around and staring me dead in the eye "Listen, (Y/N), I suggest you stay away from Joker before-" 


"YOUR mission was to deliver the 20 grand to him. NOT TO MINGLE AND FLIRT WITH HIM."

She held a valid point. That WAS my mission..

I couldn't manage to respond.

And with that, Grannie vanished

"Stupid mission" Clenching my fists, I punched the wall, causing a hole in the poorly made barrier

Harley Quinn's P.O.V

That bitch (Y/N) took my man away from me! She just had to come into our lives!

I carried a sniper on my shoulder, climbing the staircase to a building besides (Y/N)'s apartment

"Just need to get to the rooftop.." Kicking the door to the rooftop down, my phone went off 

and guess who it was?


'Mornin, babe. Meet me at my house in an hour'

He wants me to come over!!

I knew he didn't love that whore, (Y/N)

Walking over to the edge of the rooftop, I looked through the scope on the sniper and aimed it at (Y/N), who was sitting on a love seat, sharpening her knife 

"Ugh I hate you" Scoffing, my fingers were placed on the trigger, ready to shoot 


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