Chapter 1

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I know this would never happen in the real story but I thought this would be fun to write.

Chapter 1:

Katniss POV

I awaken before dawn to go hunting. I slip on my boots and my fathers hunting jacket. I kiss prim on the cheek and head out the door. I walk to the fence and listen for the hum of the electricity, like usual there is none. I slip under the fence and head to the log where I keep my bow and arrows. I see Gale squatted down checking one of his snares and then he looks up at me, "Hey Catnip!" he calls out. "Hey," I say back less enthusiasticly. He imediatly says, "What's wrong?" I look at the ground before saying, "Its Prim, shes really been acting up lately (I know Prim would never act up). "I think it from my mother blanking out like she is." Gale walks up to me and hugs me and I begin to cry into his shoulder.  "Everything is going to be alright Catnip, you should talk to her." I finish up the day hunting and walk home. I have a long speech planned out and everything. When I walk through the door, Prim sits at the kitchen table petting butter cup. "Hey," I say while walking toward her and sitting down. She just stares at the floor barely even looking at me. "Prim, we have to talk about what's wrong." She waits for awhile before saying, "Your what's wrong with me,  you leave me home all day," the anger in her voice rising . "You make me take care of her alone," she looks toward mom, "All you care about is going into the woods with Gale!" I am at a loss for words, "Prim you know its not like that-" "Yes it is! Katniss you know it is! You act like you were the only one effected by his death." The words hurt. "Prim," I say my voice shaking. And then Prim does something so unexpected that when she hits me, it doesn't even sting. "I hate you!" she yells as she gets up and slams the door to the next room. I have to sit there for a minute to actually relize what she did.

Prims POV

I lay on my bed crying I regret everything I just said. I hear katniss come through the door and sit down on the bed. She begins stroking my hair."Prim, I am your sister. You can't talk to me like that." I nod. "Would dad be proud of the way you acted in there?" I shake my head and cry harder. "What would dad do about that?" Would she really spank me? She wouldn't or would she? "Sp-spank me?" "Thats right, now I want you pants and underwear down when I come back."

Katniss POV

I go to my fathers closet and dig around for awhile untill I find his belt, the one he used to always spank us with. I really didn't want to do this but she may never learn if I don't. I walk back into Prims room and she sits on the bed naked from the waist down. I feel so bad for her I want to back out now and hug her. I have to follow through with this though. I sit down on the bed and order her to get over my lap. She walks very slowly and then leans over. I rub her back for a little, and then I tell her, "Prim, you know I dont want to do this but I have to or you will never learn." She nods and crys softly. I raise my hand and deliver one hard smack to the center of her bottom, Prim gasp a little and I continue SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "Oww oh that hur-" SMACK SMACK "Stop it katniss please!" SMACK SMACK "Im sorry!" SMACK SMACK "Please!" By that time I saw her butt was turing an angry pin. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "OWWWWW!" SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK! At that time she started kicking. "Prim, quit kicking, you know what dad did when we kicked so stop." She stoped kicking and then began again. "Prim I told you to stop, now I am going to give you three smacks to each thigh. SMACK "AHHHH," SMACK SMACK "OWW OOO," SMACK SMACK SMACK "PLEASE!" "20 more and then the hand spanking will be over."

Prims POV

My bottom was on fire it hurt soo bad! But I know it is for my own good. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK. I cry out,"Ohhhhhhh stop!" SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK. "Please katniss stop!" SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "STOP IT!" SMACK SMACK SMACK.

Katniss POV

Prim lays over my lap as I rub her back I did not want to continue with the belt but I want her to learn. "Prim baby," I say in my sweetest voice. "Will you go lean over to bed so we can get this all over with?" She nods and walks carefully to the bed and leans over "Just 20 more with the belt and it will be all over." I pick up the belt and walk over to the bed WHACK Prim doesn't cry out she just continues to sob deeply into her pillow WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK "Just 10 more ok? WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK. Prim leans over the bed and probably doesn't even know its over. "Its all over baby, its all over." We spend the rest of the day telling storys and playing games.

Hunger Games SpankingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora