Chapter 12

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(A/N I keep trying to make a Gale spanks Katniss one but I keep coming up with a writers block ): Comment ideas! Also this is a post rebellion pre epilogue story!)

Spankee: Katniss and Peeta
Spanker: Haymitch

Katniss POV
"I thought both of you had turned into adults not children!" Haymitch yells.
"Haymitch calm down," Peeta says, his voice soft.
"Calm down? Calm down! I thought I was done being a mentor! But no! I have to come on to the interview and explain why Katniss was drunk! Drunk! And Peeta you just let her drink. SHE WAS THE FACE OF THE WHOLE REBELLION! She was supposed to be a good example!" Haymitch screams.
I snort, "Like you were never drunk on live television! "
"I wasn't when it was THIS important. I sobered out to help y'all didn't I? I went through all the misery of not having a drink just to help y'alls sorry selves!"
I still feel like my head is not right, which is a vast improvement over what it was like a couple hours ago. On the train ride back from the capitol I took a nap and woke up with a splitting head ache. I took some pain killers but now I am feeling just a little woozy. I block out the rest of Peeta and Haymitch's argument. I got drunk because I couldn't bear the fact of being in that same interveiw room sober. I couldn't go in there and not see the images of the games, which revisit me every night. Peeta begged them not to make us go, but on the presidents orders we had to. After another 15 minutes of screams back and forth Haymitch has Peeta by his arm and walks up the me and grabs mine. Peeta struggles a bit and I hit Haymitch repeatedly. Where is he taking us? I yell every word I can think of at him as he drags us to a unused bed room.
"Now since you too are obviously children, I am going to spank you like one," Haymitch says confidently.
Peeta begins, "Haymitch we are -"
"Silence! I made up my mind. Now Peeta, take down your pants and underwear and bend over the bed."
Surprisingly Peeta does just that. I guess used from all the ones his Mother gave him.
Peeta POV
I can't believe I am 19 and getting a spanking from Haymitch. I mean I think I do deserve it. It was pretty embarrassing to see Katniss stumble around on stage. I knew what she was doing. Just the girl has been through enough. I have too. All I wanted to do is go back to twelve and spend the rest of my life with Katniss, I really want a family but its only been a year since everything. I decide to wait to ask her. I can here Haymitch taking his belt off. Oh god. Katniss stands there with fear in her eyes. Her worst fear is seeing someone else in pain. I give her a reassuring smile and grip the sheets tighter. I vow that I won't cry out.
I hear Haymitch bring the belt back.
Dang. This is not going to be fun.
I manage to hold on to my tears.
I wonder how many he is going to give me. I start to worry that I will not be able to stop the cries.
I can hear Katniss crying and begging for Haymitch to stop.
I look up at Katniss, I can barely get the words out, "Hey baby, its okay. I'm f-fine. "
I can see this calms her down a bit.
I am gripping the bed sheets so tight my knuckles are white.
I keep telling my self I have felt more pain then this. I have considering my time in the capitol.
I grit my teeth to keep from letting out a sob.
I grunt a little. I guess that's better than a cry.
Haymitch's whacks begin to be a little faster. It kills. I can help it when a tear escapes my face. No sounds I tell myself.
Tears are streaming down my face more rapidly now.
I am sure my bottom is a deep red.
I grunt and my body shutters.
I can't take it, "Owwww!"
SMACK, "Oh god!"
Haymitch puts down the belt and helps me off the bed. I pull up my pants with a yelp. He pulls me in for a hug.
"You know, I hate doing that kid."
Afterwards I go up the Katniss and hug her. She is sobbing more deeply than me. I try to comfort her but she is still sobbing.
Katniss POV
I hold on to Peeta for dear life. Seeing him go through all that pain again hurt me worst than him. I feel like it's all my fault. He finally pulls me in for a kiss. Its wet from all the cries that we share but I find comfort in it. His lips are beautiful in the way they can silence me. And the hunger that over took me on the beach over takes me again, like everyday.
Haymitch's voice finally brings me back to reality, "Excuse me, love birds," I look at him, "I believe that Katniss hasn't gotten her spanking yet."
Peeta POV
No! I will not allow Katniss to get hit. Absolutely not! I throw Haymitch against the wall without thinking. Realizing what I have done I release my grip on him and take a step back. Haymitch dusts off himself.
"Peeta, you better be glad you just got the spanking that you did," He says in a low voice, "Now Peeta dont make me through you out of the room."
"You are not touching her!"
To my surprise Katniss steps in, "Ye-Yes he is Peeta."
Katniss POV
I feel like I needed a spanking too After all I was the one who was drunk.
Peeta begins, "Katniss you don't want that-"
"Yes I do, or ill go around feeling guilty for the rest of my life."
"The girl has made up her mind Peeta," Say Haymitch.
"Okay but im not leaving." Peeta says.
"I wasn't expecting you to," Says Haymitch.
"Now sweetheart, bare yourself from the waste down and bend over."
I slip down my pants and bend over. Peeta takes the other side, kneels, grips my hand and stares into my eyes.
I was not expecting the sing of the blow and I yelp.
"Oh God!"
Peeta grips my hand tight and whispers comforting things in my ear.
Peeta POV
I can't stand to see her in pain. I think she's had enough. I think she never deserved to be hit in the first place. I mean Haymitch drinks daily. Finally I stand up and walk between Haymitch and Katniss.
"Haymitch she's had enough, you are not going to hit her one more time."
Surprisingly Haymitch puts his belt on his pants, where it should be and helps Katniss off the bed. He hugs her and she hugs him back. I finally walk over to her and wrap her in my arms. Haymitch walks out as we begin to kiss. Finally I brake away.
"Love, do you want me to rub some cream on your bottom?" I ask.
"That would be great," She replies.
I walk out of the room in search of the lotion and I find a near by attendant. He must have heard what was going on because he has the cream near him. I gratefully take and head back into the room. Katniss is laying on her stomach on the bed. I walk up behind her and rub her back before slipping down her pants. I rub the lotion in as soft cries of relief escape her mouth. After a minute of rubbing her bright red bottom she says, "Now it's your turn."
I lay on the bed and she takes my pants down and does the same thing I did to her. Finally we decide to go to sleep and she crawls into my arms. No nightmares visit her.

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