Chapter 27: Request

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(A/N sorry it took so long to update, I have been really busy and I have had a writers block. But here is one for the person who wanted Katniss to spank Peeta. I hope you like it! And also I LOVE it when you guys comment request, so do that!)

Spanker: Katniss

Spankee: Peeta

Peeta POV

I look at the man walking through the doors of the bakery. He is an older man and he wears a white shirt and a grey jacket over it. He appears to be from the richer side of the district, even after the war.

"Hi, how are you sir?" I ask.

"Oh, I'm fine and you?" He answers.

"Im great. Can I get you something?" I ask, again.

"Uh yes, you see my daughter is getting married here and I would like to place an order for her wedding."

"Of course, come right this way."

I lead him into a room and we discuss bread and cake. And I learn that his name is Thomas.

After we are finished, Thomas has a rather large order in place.

Katniss POV

I stand over the sink, washing the blood from my hands from the dear I just shot. It's about time that Peeta is going to get home. That's always my favorite part of the day. I pour two cups of coffee and start sipping on the hor drink when Peeta walks through the door.

"Hey babe," He says.

I get up and place a quick peck on his lips.

"Hey, how was your day?"

"Good, how was yours?"

I tell him the story of how I shot the deer.

"That great!" Peeta says.

I hand him his cup if coffee and he sips it slowly. For a long time we don't talk, he drinks his coffee, holds my hand and stares at me.

Finally I say, "What are you looking at?"

"You're just..."

Peeta POV

A thousand words pop into my head when I think if Katniss, beautiful, sweet, caring...perfection, but I settle on pretty.

"You're just, pretty."

She laughs, "Pretty? Honestly Peeta, I think you are blind."

"I am not, you are the most beautiful girl in the world," I lean in for a kiss, "And your all mine."

I kiss her and her hand sneaks around and gets entangled in my hair.

I start a soft trail of kisses down her neck and she wraps her hands around my neck.

I pick her up and she wraps her legs around me and I make it to the couch.

She sits on top of me kissing me back when the phone rings. Dang it. Katniss slides off my lap and she starts walking toward the phone, but it could be Thomas. "Hey, I'll get it, it could be someone from the bakery."

I walk to the phone and pick it up. Sure enough, it was. He tells me the details of the wedding and I scribble them down. I say goodbye and hang up.

"Peeta, before I forget..."

Katniss throws some paper down on the table and I pick it up and turn it over, a reservation for a fancy restraunt that took the place of the hob. I look at the date, the same day and time I am supposed to deliver the cake to Thomas' daughters wedding.  I'm sure we can't push the reservation back. That place has been packed ever since it moved to the district. I guess people are not used to having good food here. I should tell her about the wedding and we got into a huge fight about how much I stay at work. She says we never have any alone time with me. I also promised her I wouldn't take anymore big orders, so the best I can do is try to make it to both.

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