Chapter 3

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Warning: contains harsh content

"Don't you wanna know why you're here?" his tone was full of possession, almost like he knew he had the upper hand in the current events. Which, he had fair right to assume since you sat in a chair with ropes limiting your every movement and he walked around restrain-free. The only thing you were capable of moving was your head and due to it not having the abilities of an owl, you could only do and look at so much. 

"I have quite the guess actually" Sarcasm was present in your tone as you spoke in response to his question. He rose an eyebrow in complete interest, his arms then folding themselves across his chest  as he watched you like he was a lion and you were an injured gazelle.  At any moment he would attack and you would have to take it, no matter what it may be. 

It's a fact that everyone deals with fear differently. Some cry, some scream, some even bite their nails (not that you really had that option )  but you choose quite a different route, you chose to ignore it.  Emotions are pointless really, and with the title you held in your hand at your family's estate, they were looked down upon. You were to show no fear, that would only guarantee him that he did in fact have the upper hand and you had no intentions to grant him that satisfaction. 

"Oh?" his voice was full of curiosity as his single syllable was spoken. 

"I have to be in a Febreze commercial, right? You're the thing that's supposed to reek..which you do and they spray that stuff all over the room and it'll make you smell like candy or flowers." his eyebrow fell into their original positioning. You saw his chest raise and fall as he had to take a moment to regain his patience. 

"Not quite" He said, now his voice turning monotone. It was as if someone didn't get their nap time and they were told no for the first time of their being.

"Then I'm backstage to meet Ellen?" 

"No" he responded again. 

"Then you have me beat" you mutter in defeat, you saw his fingers dig into his coat out of anger. Before you could respond he released his own arms and forced his hand forward, griping your hair in his clutches.  You gave a small whimper once he had tugged it upwards so you would get a good look at him, your scalp pounded at his rough tugs but he showed no mercy as he bent down, getting his face be inches from yours.  He really must have had little to no idea what personal space really was.

"Do you think this is a game?" He spat, you could feel little wads of saliva spraying your face.

"I..if it's not a very fun one" you make out through the pain, he narrowed his eyes.

"You better quite this act out before I really do have to put you in your place" he says, watching you in disgust before he let your hair go, causing your head to snap back into place. You stayed quiet, seeing it best not to respond to his comment much like you had been. You scanned him slowly, his attire showed that he had to have some kind of importance, it was formal. He had to have stood at least 6' off the ground, his eyes were full of dominance and rage. You would hate to admit it, even in your mind, but you couldn't help but to see how attractive this man really was.

"As I was trying to say, you're here simply because your family has something I need" he comments

"What do you want from the?" you found yourself questioning, he seemly quite satisfied that you agreed to play to his rules of a game that he insists isn't a game.

"You're a smart gal, you figure it out. What does your family have that people may need?"

Ah, it was all clicking now. He didn't want you for any sexual pleasure, nor did he wish to kill you. He simply wanted money. The evilest of all things in this world. You looked down to the ground, scanning every detail in the plain cement. You had been taken from your home and put into here simply because your family was rich. He had abducted you because he thought he could place a price on you and have your family pay for your safe return and the worst part of all was you weren't convinced they would.

"Aw come on dear, has that pretty little mouth of your finally have nothing to say?" he says with a chuckle, you could see out of the tops of your eyes as he slowly made his way around the chair and you felt his cold touch on your hands , making you shiver. He twisted and turned them around. You suddenly felt your hands fall to your sides, you pulled them upwards to look at them, and it was then you realized how much they burned. They both had  darkened paths of a spotted red, that made their ways all around your wrist, injuries from the rope. You looked up and was quickly able to see that the door  that kept you from getting out of this place was shut...but not locked. There was your escape, there was the pearly gates. 

You looked up at this man whom you still had no idea the name of as he smiled. You watched him make his way back to the front of your chair where  he leaned down, slowly and began untying the ropes that restrained your legs, first the right. 

"Now, I need you to do something for me, alright?" he said, his voice low and quiet. His golden eyes watching your legs carefully, noting any kind of twitch or movement. he soon had finished with the first leg and made his way to the second. You watched him struggle to untie it from the chair but once you felt your leg loosened you knew that now was opening. You lifted your foot and kicked him, making him stumble to the ground which gave you an open opportunity to push yourself from the chair and dart to the door. You were almost there, you could practically taste your freedom. 

It. Was. So. Close. 

A harsh vibration against your neck pulled you back into the moment. Electronic shocks shot though your body and you called out in pain, your attention no longer on the door as it was not to the zapping that came from your neck. Your body fell to the stone cold floor as the vibration continues but once you lay there completely still , they came to a sudden stop. Though it was gone, you could still feel the fiery sensation sit on your skin. You glanced back to see him coming your way, in his hand he held what looked like a remote.

It took a moment to catch your breathe before you found the courage to reach your hands to your neck, feeling at the thing that had caused you so much pain.  It was a thick material with what felt like a block attached to it...a shock collar? You hadn't got to stay on the floor much longer because you felt a pair of hands take hold of you and pull you upright, slamming you against a wall. There in front of you stood the guy, whom of which now had red liquid dripping from his nose. 

First his hand was bitten and then his face was used for soccer practice. Talk about a bad day at kidnapper camp.

He let the remote drop from his bandaged hand.

"You've really done it this time" He says, looking down upon you. You watched him carefully but you hadn't noticed  his hands moving upwards,slowly clamping themselves around your neck right under the collar. He let his grip tighten without any further notice. You gasped for air and moved your hands onto his, tugging at them hoping, praying that he would release you and let you breathe once more. It wasn't long before the lack of oxygen took it's effect and made the room around you become fuzzy.

"Beg." He said, narrowing his eyes as your struggled against his will. You opened your mouth to say something, anything but suddenly he loosened his hold on you at the sound of the door opening. 



AND CHAPTER 3 is now up. I actually quite enjoy writing this story, honestly. I really hope you all enjoy it very much so :) I promise that he will not be like this forever 

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote/comment letting me know your thoughts and I shall see you next chapter. 


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