Chapter 4

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Your body went crashing to the floor which provided no warmth once he had completely let your neck from his tight grasp. You gasped in air, like it was the first time in eternity that you felt the oxygen entering your lungs. Some forceful coughs made  their way from your lips without any of your control, your head felt as though a hammer was being smashed against it, and not to mention your vision was just barley able to see from. Despite it all, you looked up, trying to look passed the male that blocked your already blurry path. You and him both wanted to get a glimpse at the mysterious figure who decided to ruin this rather intimate moment.  Who was it...did someone come for you?

The silence kept the three of you company and you found it no longer bearable to keep your head up as you let it fall, your gaze meeting the boring gray ground, trying to regain reality once again. Breathing was the only thing you could really focus your mind on, you hadn't even noticed the footsteps that were growing nearer. It wasn't long before a set of shoes stood next to the mans whom you assumed to be named Karma, you forced your gaze upwards. The mystery boy  stood there and stared at you, but not at all in the way Karma had.

His eyes were full of care...of sympathy
finally, an actual human. 

"What did you do to this poor girl?" He questions, slowly leaning down on one knee and taking your chin into his grip and pulling it upwards so your eyes could meet his deep blue ones. His hands were so soft and gentle...something about them felt safe.  His beautiful eyes scanned every detail of  your face  with complete and utter concern.  He had bright blue hair that would make even the sky jealous of it's vibrance and he had a such a small frame. He seemed so innocent in comparison to Karma. He was like a complete opposite as a matter of fact  from the red-head that seemed to contain any humanity.  He scanned your face for a bit longer and something about him told you that you didn't need to be scared, that he was someone you could trust.

"No...Nagisa listen, I can explain" Karma started in a hopeless attempt. Nagisa and Karma. That had to be their names. Karma being the carrot top and Nagisa the blue haired boy that you had spent time admiring. As Karma spoke his voice was a lot softer than when he spoke to you, it sounded more full of emotions...more human.  Karma's eyes seemed pleading as he watched Nagisa tend to you as if he wished any other fate. Nagisa  took his eyes off of you for a moment but no longer to look back at Karma, who had glanced at you in  annoyance. You all sat there in silence for a while, no one wanting to break the fragile nothingness. Nagisa spoke up.

"I'm waiting." 

"She was being difficult, a smart ass and she even bolted for the door. She needed to be punished, so I-" Nagisa rolled his eyes and pulled his hand away from your chin, waving it to signal Karma to stop. He was obedient and the silence joined you all once again. Nagisa gave you one last reassuring smile before forcing his body upwards,   standing up to look at Karma. Compared to Nagisa, Karma was a lot taller than he, and by the looks of it a lot stronger as well, he could easily end Nagisa...but he chose not too...why? 

"Do you think I agreed to the shock collar for fun?" He questions really quietly, almost like he didn't want you to hear him.

"Of course not. I just-" he was cut off again

" We kidnapped her,  you honestly believe that (F/N) (L/N) is going to just let us take her without a fight?" he questioned, you felt shiver drive down your spine as you watched the blue haired man.  Something about his small frame and the way he scanned everything in care really caught you in awe. It was hard to believe someone as innocent looking as cute...could do something like this to you. to anyone 

"...I suppose not."

" Karma, I know every minute we're not working towards It , is a minute wasted but come on, that is no reason to beat up the girl. She is our only chance Karma." Nagisa explains slowly. it?  only chance? Your mind couldn't help but to wonder what he was talking about. it could anything.  Karma had already admitted to needing money...but for what? You weren't able to be lost in your mind for too long before as you noticed Nagisa's   small pale face looking down at you again.

"Have you explained yet?" Nagisa questions. Karma shook his head no in response.

"she was too busy being a little shit head" 

"It is a full time job of mine" you mutter under your breathe, barley enough for him to hear, you saw him snap his head to look your way and your gaze went to the ground. Was this showing him that he was winning?

"Well, speaking of a job, Karma has a small one for you." he says. You hadn't seen but Nagisa jerked his head in a quick motion before turning his back to you and slowly making his way to the door that kept you locked from your freedom. Karma was getting closer with the same sadistic smirk on his face when the two of you had first met. Without warning he gripped your shoulders and hauled you upwards, causing you to look at the man who's nose still has dry blood making a path down his face. He pushed you forward and gripped your hands, twisting them uncomfortable behind your back before he took a step forward. 

You copied his actions, slowly making your way in the direction of his choosing. You knew that it wasn't in your best interest to object to him, not with the shock collar still around your neck. Closer and closer came the door that held you from the real world, from your friends, from your house hell, even your family. 

 It was so close, but your goal was so far. Once you grew close enough, Nagisa opened the door slowly  reveling a stair case. You twisted in Karma's grip, hoping that maybe you could make a run for it but it was a failure from the start. No one could escape from this human hulk. This felt all too familiar. He forced you to make your way up the stairs, taking every step with cation. 

The ending finally neared but it only led to a hallway. You asked no questions as you walked passed doors, none of which seemed to be an exit.
one, two, three, four...
It was then you came to a sudden stop and Nagisa opened the door, once again revealing the unexpected.

what the hell...


Whoa, a new chapter? That's new.

haha, anyway I wanted to let you guys know that I saw a lot of requests/ comments hinting to some lemon/lime content. I would be down to write some but I know some of you would be very very uncomfortable if I were to write one so I'm very conflicted. I mean maybe I could go with a happy medium? Like a semi-lemon/lime that isn't very graphic? I don't know guys, lemme know your opinions in the comments below. 

ALSO THANK YOU for reading and don't forget to comment/vote. I also want to assure you that I had no intentions of waiting this long to update. School started and I've just been swamped, I'm so sorry I'll try and update again soon, I promise.


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