Chapter 4

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Keith and Lance backed up a bit, their hearts racing. Tony and two other people began to surround them, and they did not look happy.

"Stay back. Unless you wanna get cut, you better leave." Commanded Lance, flicking the blade of his pocket knife out.

Tony just simply laughed, crossing his arms. "A pocket knife? We've got heaters that could blow your brains out. And you're trying to scare us with a pocket knife?"

Keith growled, clenching his fists. While Lance was practically asking for a fight, Keith tried a different way to approach the situation.

Keith stepped up a little closer to them, practically a foot away from Tony. "Listen. We don't want any trouble. Just let us leave. Okay?"

Tony bit his lip, narrowing his eyes. It was obvious he was craving a good fight.

"I don't know if you knew this, but.. Us Zarkons take a different approach on handling these types of situations."

Tony lifted his fist, smirking. Keith attempted to step back, but it was too late.

Tony lifted his arm, and drove his fist right into Keith's face. Keith let out a yell, falling backwards.

He fell into the gravel, slowly lifting his head. The blood oozed from his nose, and he licked the tiny stream of blood that traveled to his mouth.

Lance began cursing wildly, even spatting out some Spanish curses. He threw a punch at Tony, causing him to stumble back.

When another member of the gang tried to leap onto him, Lance used his pocket knife to slice his arm.

Although it wasn't a deep cut, it was enough to make the person back away.

Lance turned back to Tony, who was getting up for his next round. Without thinking twice, Lance leapt into the air, landing right onto Tony.

Keith began to stand up, but he didn't even think Lance needed his help. Lance looked like a cat who just got its tailed pulled. Literally. He was kicking, scratching, and even punching Tony.

Tony attempted to kick Lance, but Lance just kept going. "Usted que paga maldito cerdo!" Screamed Lance, before Tony finally kicked him off.

Tony quickly leapt to his feet, before tackling Lance. Lance's head hit the bar of the swing set, causing him to fall backwards. Now it was time for Keith.

Keith charged Tony, lunging onto him. He grabbed onto Tony's hair as they crashed to the ground, and that's when things just turned chaotic.

Keith was screeching while throwing punches, Tony was thrashing around wildley, and Lance looked like he was seeing stars.

Keith grabbed onto Tony's shirt when he attempting to stand up again, before kicking Tony's legs out from under him. Tony hit the gravel face first, letting out a moan.

Keith felt several hands grab onto his shoulders, pushing him back. Keith continued to fight all three gang members, his heart racing.

He went to attack Tony again, before another punch was thrown at him. This one hit Keith directly in the eye, causing him to fall over.

The gang members laughed, Tony slowly standing up. He crossed his arms, not caring about the blood that oozed from his mouth.

"Check out these losers. They couldn't even fight us." Laughed Tony, before he turned around, the other three boys following him.

Keith let out a moan, rolling over onto his back. Everything was blurry, and he was pretty sure his eye was swollen shut.

He glanced over at Lance, who was leaning against the pole.

He better not have a concussion. Thought Keith, before rolling back onto his back. The air was cool, and every time a breeze would pass, it made him shiver.

He looked up at the stars, his heart sinking. He was so tiny compared to the stars, and just the thought made him hurt. He had a lot of emotions going through his head right now, and he just couldn't get a grip.

Was he going to tell Lance why he didn't want to walk through the doors of his own house? Maybe. But not now. Maybe another time.

Keith slowly sat up, letting out a small whimper when he put his hand over his eye.

He then crawled over to Lance, who was just staring at nothing. Keith grabbed onto Lance's head lightly, looking at the back of it.

There wasn't anything too serious. Just a large bump.

Lance let out a groan, before he looked up at Keith. "I can't feel my head." He announced, before flopping over into the gravel.

Okay. So Lance was just laying in the gravel not moving. And staying in the park was just them asking for more trouble. Keith needed help.

He slowly stood up, grabbing onto Lance's shoulders. He began to pull Lance up, growling from the unexpected weight. What did this kid eat?

Finally he had Lance on his back, his face already covered in sweat.

"Okay.. Off to Shiro's house we go."
He muttered, slowly trudging through the park with a limp boy on his back.

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