Chapter 30

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"What the hell are you doing out this late?! You could have been killed!" Snapped Shiro, glaring down at Keith.

Hunk bent over, sliding his arms under Keith's shoulders, helping him sit up.

"You okay dude?" Asked Hunk, examining Keith's arms for any deep cuts.

"I'm fine." He whispered, his eyes wandering.

Hunk looked over to Pidge, who raised her eyebrow.

"Keith, you need to talk to us. It honestly makes me sad when you'd rather run around town like a headless chicken rather than just coming to us.." Said Pidge, her eyes showing the concern.

Keith opened his mouth, before Shiro pitched in.

"Pidge has a point. Keith, something could have happened to you!"

Keith turned to Shiro, snapping.

"Why do you care what happens to me?!" He retorted, his eyebrows furrowing.

Shiro threw his arms in the air.

"Because! You're our friend, you're a part of this gang, and.. and.."

Shiro wiped the hints of tears in his eyes.

"I've already lost somebody from this gang because of me not caring enough! I don't want that burden again!"

Shiro turned to the side, hiding his face from everybody. He didn't want them to know he was crying.

"Aw man.." whispered Hunk, looking at the ground.

Allura went up to Shiro, rubbing her hand against his shoulder.

"We've all had just a long.. couple of months. As a gang, we need to talk to each other. That's the only way we're gonna get better." She murmured, turning back to Keith and the others.

Shiro turned back around, slowly sitting on the hard ground next to Hunk and Pidge.

"So Keith.. why did you do this?" Asked Allura, sitting next to Shiro.

Keith sighed, looking at the ground. He didn't know what to say, but he knew he had to explain himself somehow.

"I.. I had a dream about Lance. It was so real, and when I woke up I thought he'd really be there, next to me."

Everybody nodded, listening to what he had to say.

"What happened next I can't really explain. It was like.. my mind just told me to leave the house. I don't know why, but I did. I ran around, just trying to get ahold of everything that's happened. Then I got distracted by the car, lost my footing, and now I'm down here."

Keith went silent for a couple of moments, trembling slightly from the cold breeze.

Nobody really said much. They didn't know what to say.

After a few minutes, Pidge pitched in.

"Thanks for telling us, Keith. Have you tried like.. telling your therapist any of this?"

Keith shrugged.

"I dunno. I've tried telling Dr. Hansen some of these things, but he's just prescribed me with these meds. Says they're supposed to help me with my issues. I don't even think they're working." Sighed Keith.

"I think you should tell him everything. If you're not, he might misdiagnose you." Said Shiro, looking directly at Keith.

Everybody nodded, and Keith just shrugged.

"Keith.. We're all hurting. We just show it in different ways. I was one of Lance's best friends since the beginning of highschool. I'm not taking this any easier than you." Said Hunk.

Pidge nodded. "Yeah. I met Lance first year of highschool too. We used to get in a bunch of trouble together."

Pidge paused, her thoughts wondering. "I miss that."

Allura piped in.

"I met Lance through Shiro, and even though he would hit on me constantly, I did kind of enjoy the attention."

"See? You're not alone Keith, and you need to stop acting like you are. We're all here with you, whether you like it or not." Said Shiro, slowly getting up off the ground.

Everybody else followed, except for Keith.

"Gimmie some skin." Said Shiro, holding out his hand.

Keith grabbed his hand, getting off the dirty ground.

"By the way," began Keith, "what are you guys even doing out here this late?"

"We usually just cruise around the town, getting fast food n' stuff." Said Pidge, dusting off her jacket.

"Yeah, we invited you but you didn't pick up the phone." Said Hunk.

"Also, you falling down that hill interrupted our trip to McDonalds. You come between me and my chicken nuggets, I will end you." Whispered Pidge, popping open her switch blade.

Keith chuckled, and Shiro slowly moved her hand down. "Ha Ha, very funny Pidge."

"God, you're such a little gremlin." Said Keith, smirking

Everybody laughed for a moment, actually enjoying themselves.

"So.. now what?" Asked Hunk, looking over to Shiro.

Shiro thought for a few moments, before coming up with an idea.

"I know. First we go to McDonald's and get some grub, mainly so Pidge won't stab Keith, then I have something planned for us."

Everybody nodded, walking towards Shiro's car.

"You guys better look out!" Yelled Pidge. "When I get McDonalds, I become an unstoppable force! Nothing in heaven or hell can stop me!"

Allura laughed at how Pidge practically tripped over her own two feet to get into the car.

Finally everybody was in, ready to go.

And for once, everything felt normal.

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