Chapter 31

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A/N- alright guys, this is the last chapter, and I just want to thank everybody who has stuck with me through this entire story. obviously there will be more sappy stuff like this at the end of this chapter, but until then, make sure to enjoy this final chapter.


Keith wasn't going to lie, that night was the most fun he's had in a long time.

Ever since Lance died Keith felt so guilty to have a good time, because a part of him felt like his life had to revolve around Lance dying. Yet it didn't.

For once he actually spent a night enjoying the people he had left, and that resulted in some genuine laughter and fun that he hadn't had in so, so long.

Of course, he still thought about Lance, and it did hurt him. He tried to push those thoughts down, yet even the tiniest things reminded him of Lance.

The blue slushies he and the gang drank at the gas station, or when they drove by the park, where Keith and Lance would hang out.

The worst of it was probably when AC/DC came on the radio, and Keith could only imagine Lance's awful, yet goofy and adorable singing.

Shiro changed the station quickly in hopes that Keith wouldn't have time to process the song, yet he did, and it hurt. It hurt bad.

Yet at the end of the night, Keith found himself appreciating his gang even more than he did before. Especially after what Shiro planned for all of them.


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