Chapter 15

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The only noise that could be heard was the soft hum from the road.

Street lights flew past them, and the soft sound of Nirvana drifted through the car.

Keith glanced over to the drivers seat, only to see the clock said 11:30.

Now why were they on the road, and not in their cozy hotel?

Well, thanks to Pidge almost getting in a fist fight with the manager, they were kicked out. Shiro couldn't find another place to stay, so they decided to drive around the outskirts out town and see what 'trouble' they could get into. Shiro called it trouble, but everyone knew he was just searching for a motel.

Keith was once again sitting next to Lance, who was more quiet than normal. He had his head pressed against the window, and he didn't speak at all.

Keith wasn't gonna lie. He wanted to kiss Lance again. But he wasn't going to do it in the car. Nobody else knew about him and Lance. And they intended on keeping it a secret.

But just looking at Lance's soft lips. His tan skin. His dark brown hair. His ocean blue eyes. Keith just wanted Lance.

Dammit. Pidge was right. It's the stupid hormones.

The silence continued in the car, and everyone was doing their own thing. Allura and Shiro were whisper talking in the front seat, and Hunk and Pidge were sharing fries that they got before leaving the park.

The silence continued, before Lance spoke up.

"Guysss.. I have to use the bathroom.. Again.."

Keith turned to Lance, raising an eyebrow. "It's from your 3rd cup of Coke, Lance."

Lance rolled his eyes, before Shiro responded.

"Lance. There isn't anyplace to use the bathroom accept for the field. We're literally in the middle of nowhere now."

Lance sighed as the van was pulled over to the side.

"I'm gonna get out too. I have to stretch my legs." Announced Pidge, and everyone decided to get out as well.

Keith stretched in the field, letting out several grunts. The grass was up to his knees, and he was thankful he was wearing long pants.

Keith glanced over as Lance staggered around, attempting to find a spot.

Finally Lance used the bathroom, and everyone was getting back in the car as Lance was pulling up his pants. Keith was opening the car door, before he heard Lance from the field.

"Keith. Did you hear that?.." whispered Lance, his eyes wide.

"" Keith turned to see Lance, who was looking like he saw a ghost.

Lance turned around, only to see a pair of two glowing eyes in the field.

"Lance. Slowly.. move towards the car." whispered Shiro, slowly opening the door to the van.

"Holy shit a coyote!" Squealed Lance, throwing his foot out in attempt to kick the creature away.

The creature let out a snarl, latching its jaws onto Lance's leg.

"Lance! Are you stupid?! Get in the car!!" Yelled Keith, putting his hand over his face.

"ITS GOT ME! ITS GOT MY LEG!" Lance was now screaming, before he fell over into the grassy field.

Keith at first didn't believe Lance, but right when Lance kicked his legs in the air to reveal a small coyote with its jaw latched on his leg, Keith knew he had to step in.

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