Chapter 23

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Keith let out a small sigh as he kicked a pebble walking down the street alongside with Lance.

"So, when we go to town what's our game strategy?" Asked Lance, a small smirk curving his lips.

"Well, didn't you want to flirt with girls?" Asked Keith, looking up to notice his street was coming up.

"Hmm. Or I could just flirt with you." Began Lance, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Let's stick with the girls." Muttered Keith, turning the corner to his street.

"So.. With your dad. Do you just wanna go in or?.." Asked Lance, his voice lowering.

Keith instantly stopped in his tracks. Shit.

Keith clicked his tongue nervously, trying not to show just how scared he was. His dad was going to be beyond pissed with him and the fact that Keith left without his permission.

Keith instantly turned to Lance, his eyes showing hints of the worry.

"How about I just go in. I..I don't want you getting hurt."

Lance rolled his eyes, continuing down the street. "Okay. Now I'm definitely going in with you."

Keith opened his mouth to protest, until he realized they were standing right in front of the house.

"Okay.. let's go in through the garage. If he's passed out drunk, he won't notice us."

Lance nodded, following Keith's lead as he entered the numbers to the garage code.

The door slowly opened, the screeching noise causing them to cringe.

Keith instantly jogged into the garage, leaping onto the bright red motorcycle.

"Get on."

Lance was hesitant at first, before he slowly settled down right behind Keith.

"Okay. Hold on-"

The door connecting the garage to the house slammed open, and there stood Keith's dad, red faced and clutching a beer bottle.

Oh no.

"Keith! Go!" Urged Lance, his heart racing.

But Keith couldn't. His hands were shaking, and his breath was simply caught in his throat.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Was the first words that emerged from his father's throat, the words piercing Keith like a glass shard.

Keith let out a small whimper before attempting to start the motorcycle.

"Screw you, I don't need you! Get out of here!" Screamed his father, throwing an empty bottle of beer straight towards Keith.

Before Lance had a time to react, the bottle slammed into Keith, causing him to let out an angered yell mixed with a wail of pain.

"Keith, are you oka-"

Lance was about to continue, before the motorcycle flew out of the garage at full speed.

Lance gripped Keith's chest, feeling his racing heartbeat.

"Dude! Slow down! And are you okay?!"

Keith didn't respond. He just kept going, breaking almost every law of the road.

Keith's hands were shaking viciously as he gripped the handles of the motorcycle.

"Keith! Stop ignoring me dude! Are you hurt?"

Keith squinted his eyes, the pounding in his head causing his focus to decrease.

The beer bottle hit him right in the head, but luckily it didn't shatter.

"Keith if you ignore me one more time I'm going to scream and act like you're kidnapping me."

"Will you just shut up Lance?!" Yelled Keith, instantly regretting what he said.

He felt Lance's grip slowly loosen, and he knew he messed up.

"I'm sorry Lance." Muttered Keith, slowly turning down the street and entering the small town.

Lance didn't say anything, instead he just stared blankly at the passing buildings.

Keith let out a defeated sigh, slowly parking his motorcycle on the side of the street.

Keith leapt off of the motorcycle, waiting for Lance to follow. Instead he just stood there, his eyes wandering.

"Lance. Come on. Let's get something to eat." Persuaded Keith, gesturing towards the several diners surrounding them.

Lance just let out a sigh, slowly hopping off the motorcycle.

Keith stepped onto the sidewalk, walking towards the nearest diner before Lance jogged behind him, putting his hand on Keith's shoulder.

"Why did your dad do that? And do you need ice or somethin? It looks pretty bad." Said Lance, his blue eyes once again showing he cared.

"I'm fine. Let's have a smoke and get a burger at the diner. I'll talk about it there." Grunted Keith, opening the door to a diner that had several flashing neon signs.

Lance nodded, smirking. "Only if you pay."

Keith just rolled his eyes, watching as Lance entered.

They both wandered into the diner, the jukebox droning out the noise of people conversing.

A young lady with bright red lipstick, a red bandana wrapped around her head, and a crop top bounded towards them.

"Welcome to Rosa's Diner! I'll show you two boys a table." She said, not skipping a beat.

Lance let out a small whistle in attempt to cat call, but instead Keith hit him. They followed her to a small booth, before sitting down across from each other.

"Alrighty what can I get you lovely boys?" She asked, pulling out a pen and notepad.

Keith ordered a giant burger and a chocolate milkshake, and Lance did the same.

Keith pulled out his cigarettes, fiddling with the packaging. He pulled out the ashtray, sighing as he lit the cigarette.

The waitress blew them both a kiss, before bounding back to her post.

"She was nice." Began Lance, raising his eyebrows as Keith placed the cigarette to his mouth.

Keith nodded, his hazy grey eyes starting into Lance's bright blue ones.

"So. About your dad.. Did that beer bottle get you too bad?" Asked Lance, fiddling with his silverware.

"It did, actually. But, the reason I got out of there so fast was.. I didn't want him to hurt you too." Muttered Keith, blowing out a puff of smoke.

Lance opened his mouth, but instead looked back down at the table. "You didn't have to do that.." Whispered Lance, before the waitress placed the two chocolate milkshakes on their table.

Keith shrugged, tapping his cigarette on the ashtray. "Eh. You know, there's some people who are worth getting hit by a beer bottle for."

Lance chuckled, his face flushing slightly. "Thats cheesy, dude."

Keith shrugged, picking up his milkshake. "To a sucky ass life."

Lance picked up his, smiling. "To a sucky ass life".

A/N- Wow MexicanCats updated finally?! Anyways, im  inspired again, and I'm going to try my best to update more. Aaaa I love you all so much and thank you for all the reads and votes !!

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