Steve Rogers #1

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Shower Time

Y/N is the first girlfriend Steve has had after he was thawed out of the ice and she absolutely adored him and his old fashioned ways but there is one that is starting to frustrate her now. The one where he won't touch a woman in a sexual way until they're married or whatever. The sexual frustration was getting to her. She's gone six months without any sexual intimacy. She knew what she was getting into when she got with Steve and she didn't mind at first but the sexual frustration was too hard for her.

It didn't help that Steve looked like this sex God and the fact that he occasionally walks around their room shirtless. It took her a month to convince him to share a bed with her. Whenever he went out on missions she'd pleasure herself but it wasn't enough. She wanted his big hands on her, touching her.

Steve has been on a mission for a few days and she decided to have a shower before she went out to the movies with Natasha. As she had a while to get ready, she decided to pleasure herself, as she hasn't in quite a while.

Y/N stepped into the steaming shower, smiling in bliss as the hot water hit her shoulders. She loved steaming hot showers; they relaxed her muscles, thus relaxing her. After washing her hair, she started to wash her body, taking time to run her hands over herself sensually. She moaned softly when her fingers brushed over her now hardened nipples.

While Y/N was pleasuring herself in the shower, Steve had arrived home early. He heard her soft moans in the shower and he instantly felt guilty. He knew how she felt about intimacy; he could see it in her eyes when he would pull away during a very heated make out session. He wanted his girlfriend to be happy. He wanted to make her happy and he was willing to try to be intimate for her.

He quietly removed his clothing until his underwear before gently sneaking into the bathroom. He told Natasha earlier that Y/N wouldn't be able to go to the movies tonight and Natasha simply smirked at him and told him good luck.

The moans grew louder as Steve stepped into the bathroom, shutting the door quietly behind him. Steve grew aroused at the sound of her moaning, which caused him to blush in embarrassment. He silently slipped out of his boxers and stepped into the spacious shower. He was greeted with the sight of his beautiful girlfriend, standing naked and pleasuring herself with her fingers. He stared at her naked form for a few moments before gently taking her hand, which was covering her breast.

Y/N jumped and gasped in surprise when she felt a hand take hers. Her eyes flashed open and she was greeted with the lovely sight of toned pecs. She glanced up and saw Steve, causing her cheeks to immediately burn red.

"S-Steve," she stammered. "You're home early."

"I am," he smiled, still holding onto her hand. He lifted it to his mouth and pressed a gently kiss on her knuckles. "I see you were busy."

"Uh, yes, I was," she admitted bashfully.

"Would you like me to help?" Steve asked, his confidence boosting as she glanced at his body.

Her eyes flashed up, wide in surprise, while Steve chuckled lightly and smiled. "Y-you want to help me?" she asked in shock. "B-but you're not into intimacy."

"I want to be," he said, taking a step forward, forcing Y/N to crane her neck so she could look into his eyes. "I know it is driving you crazy and I want to make you happy, even if it means I drop my Forties ways. I think I'm ready for this."

"Oh, Steve," she murmured, reaching up and cupping his face gently. Steve smiled and turned his head, pressing a kiss to the palm of her hand. "You're absolutely wonderful. I want you to be happy and comfortable with whatever you do."

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