Chapter 17| Not Again!

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Karma POV
I woke up next to Nagisa, the love of my love. I thought back and remembered what Nagisa did to me a couple of weeks ago. He woke up and it was snowing outside and he got over excited and jumped on my bed next to me. I looked out the window and it was snowing. Why not get my revenge now? I thought and an evil smirk took place in my face. I maxed the volume on my phone to max. My alarm will ring in three minutes. I put my phone next to Nagisa's ear and waited.
~~~~Time Skip 3 minutes~~~~
Nagisa POV
"Ah~! KARMA YOU BASTARD!" I shouted and threw his ringing phone at him. It hit him in his face.
"Ouch! Nagisa! What was that for!?" He asked and sat on me.
"Karma! You're killing me!" I shouted
"Karma I can't breath!" I shouted.
He bent down closer to my face. He was about to kiss me but I pushed him off of me and down on the floor he fell with his face first.
"What was that for Blueberry?" He asked and pouted with his lower lip.
"I want to get ready for school" I said and opened my dresser.
"C'mon Blueberry. One kiss?" He asked.
"Nope. Now go to your room and get dressed instead of perving on me" I said.
"Fiiiiine" he said and kissed my cheek and went to his room.
~~~~Time Skip brought to you by Light Yagami~~~~
Karma POV
I held Nagisa's hand while walking to school.
"Kaaarmaaa!" Nagisa complained.
"What?" I asked and turned my face to him.
"I'm tireeeed!" He complained.
"Fiiiine" I said and picked him up on my shoulders.
He laid his head on my head and I heard cute little snores. I smiled

Once we arrived at school I patted Nagisa on the head
"Huh?" He asked sleepy.
"We're here" I said and put him down.
Nagisa yawned and held my hand.
~~~~Time Skip to Lunch~~~~
"Karma!" I heard someone calling my name.
"Oh no" I said
"Who is it?" Nagisa asked and squeezed my hand harder.
"Okuda" I said and saw her running towards us. She held something behind her back. I knew  what it was. A knife. She ran towards Nagisa and tried to stab him. I pushed Nagisa back and took the handle of the knife while Okuda still was holding it. I twisted and twirled the knife so I held it towards her throat.
"K-Karma!? What the hell are you doing!?" Okuda asked with tears in her eyes.
"You tried to hurt my Nagisa..." I said
"He was trying to take you away from me!" She shouted
"What do you mean?"
"He made you fall for him and didn't even give me a chance to try to win your heart!" She said and burst out into tears.
"Okuda... I've had the biggest crush on Nagisa since the first time I saw him" I said and blushed slightly.
Okuda just stayed quiet.
"Nagisa... Call the cops for me"I
said and looked at him
"Yes sir" he said and giggled.

A few minutes later the cops came and arrested Okuda.

"Why is everyone here a failing Yandere?" Nagisa asked and we both started laughing hysterically.
After a few minutes of laughing I said
"But we better be careful" I looked at Nagisa and he nodded.
"Can I have the kiss I didn't got this morning?" I asked
Nagisa just rolled his eyes and came closer to me. He stood on his tip toes and crashed our lips together.
This is what I call a happy end.

A/N: No this is not the end of this book if you thought so. More chapters will be out soon.
And thanks sooooo much for 700+ views. Soon 1k I'm fangirling pretty much right now. But now I need to sleep cx

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