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(All of this is basically an explanation. In this story, Dan doesn't know he has D.I.D., sorry for the confusion)

Third pov

When you're forced to go to a therapist, most of the time it's because there's something wrong with you. You're not the average person.

Dan Howell is one of those people. He did not, by any means, want to go to therapy. He didn't need to go. There was nothing wrong with him. But that's the problem. There's nothing wrong with Dan perse, but there's something wrong with his other identities.

Dan has D.I.D., otherwise known as multiple personality disorder. He has other personalities that he can't always control.

Other than the host, Dan himself, he has 5 other personalities. He figured he'd name them so it's easier to explain them to other people. There's Danny, a form of his younger self, who likes to cuddle with stuffies and blankets. There's also Blade. He makes Dan feel worthless and makes him cut himself. Danielle is the identity that makes his feminine thoughts become a reality.

When Dan was younger, his 'job' was supposed to make his father happy. He developed another personality during that time called Tommy. And last but not least, there's Joey. He's sort of the clumsy personality.

Dan was taken away from his family, if he'd even call them that, about 2 years ago. The police had barged into his home whilst Dan was 'working'. His father and mother were arrested and Dan was sent to therapy.

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