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Phil POV

With everything I've read, everything I've heard, everything I've seen, I have never dealt with anything like this before.

So Dan has multiple personality disorder. Meaning he can have multiple and different kinds of personalities.

This can be caused by a traumatic event, birth, or a natural cause.

I, and my clients, have come to the conclusion that this was caused due to the event of Dans father hurting him.

Hurting him in mental, emotional, physical and sexual ways. He was found with cuts, bruises, and a ruptured rectum.

This poor child has been through so much.

And I, Phil Lester, was the only person to get Dan to talk to me.

He told me everything. Dan told me everything, not one of his other personalities. It took a while, but he eventually could do it.

Throughout our sessions, we have had talks about basically everything.

We talked about our favorite books, what video games we play at times, tv shows and music types.

We found out we have a lot in common, oddly enough.

We love the Harry Potter books, we both play Mario Kart, which he says he can beat anyone at, I highly doubt it. We love muse, and our favorite album is origin of symmetry, but our favorite song is super massive black hole.

Other than that he just sort of said it. He just straight up said what was on his mind. Which for him, he needed it. He was most likely being weighed down by all of this.

He told me, in detail, what his father used to do to him. How he would still have nightmares of it happening again. How he still wakes up in the morning and forgets that his father is in jail, and not home to hurt him.

I saw all his personalities. Some were hard to decipher, but I saw them.

So much happened to him.

And I wish I could've saved him. Daniel James Howell committed suicide on March 4th, 2018.

We had a session earlier that day as well. I thought everything was going to turn upright for him. But, before he left, he said this one sentence, and I can't even begin to explain it.

"You're world has come to an end. All that's left is your body and your mind. You're Souless".

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