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The clock is ticking. Every second keeps passing with an unknown force that follows it. Why do we have time? Is it just a thing that humans made up long ago? All based on perception? Why?

Time is pointless. It just counts down the time you have left on this horrid planet. Horrid. Ha. That's an understatement.

Life is pointless.


"Hey Dan!" Phil greeted me at the front door. I looked down at my feet. I don't feel like talking. What's the point in talking? There's nothing to tell.

"No hello? Ok, how 'bout we start our session?" He asks. I nod weakly. Why did I nod? I don't want to go.

When we're in Phil's office, he has me sit down on an uncomfortable, plastic chair. Reminds me of school. Not that school was good, it was absolute shit, but it let me escape home. Home. Never existed.

"So Dan, why don't you tell me how you're day is?" I chuckle. Why does he care?

"What's so funny Dan?" He asks. "You are," I simply state. "Why would you ask me how my day is? It's not any better than the last time we spoke. So just cut the 'are you ok?' crap and ask me logical questions" I sassily state.

This is gonna be a long day.

Phil POV

I woke up with sweat dripping down my face. That had to be the worst nightmare I've ever had. I witnessed it. All of it. 

I hope what I saw wasn't as bad in real life. How could Dan's father treat him that way?


After my regularly scheduled coffee run, I walk into my office. "Good morning mr. Lester! Dan is coming soon!" I heard molly screech. Ugh, can she not have to speak in such an annoying voice?

"Yeah that's nice Molly." I reply.

I walk into my personal room and set down my laptop and coffee. I get out Dan's file and look it over.

How could he live like this?


I just happened to look at my security cameras at the perfect timing. Dan was walking to the front entrance.

"Hey Dan!" I say hoping to make him smile. He just kept his head down. Hm. He doesn't even try to say anything. "No hello? Ok how 'bout we start our session?" I ask him. He nods slowly. On our way to my personal office, I notice him shaking his head violently behind me.

After he sits, I decided to ask him a simple and easy starter question, "So Dan, why don't you tell me how you're day is?" I ask.

I hear start to chuckle a bit. What? "What's so funny Dan?" I ask.

He replies, "you are," what? "Why would you ask me how my day is? It's not any better than the last time we spoke. So just cut the 'are you ok?' crap and ask me logical questions". Sassy.

Well, this is going to be a long day.

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