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(Trigger warning)


God. I just want to get out of here. This place is extremely overwhelming. I don't need to share my problems. I don't have any problems. Can't you fucking see that? I'm okay.

(1 week later)

"Hey Dan! Ready to talk?" Phil asked me. I don't know. Am I? Why not talk. Maybe I can scare the bastard off with my thoughts. I am.

"Sure" I reply. I can see he's taken aback. "Really?" He asked unsure. I nod my head and he shrugs leading me to his office. This should be good.


He's not asking me anything. Isn't that what therapists do? They ask you questions. "Well Dan, you can talk whenever you're comfortable," Phil speaks suddenly to break the tension in the room.

"C-could you um... Could you ask me questions so I could open up e-easier?" I asked stuttering. Jesus Christ what is wrong with me? I never stutter. Well that's a lie, I tend to stutter when I'm nervous...

Phil POV

"C-could you um... Could you ask me questions so I could open up e-easier?" He stuttered. Hm, could this be one of his personalities? No, I shouldn't jump to conclusions.

"Well how about we start with some easy questions, yeah?" I ask hopefully. Maybe if I give him some simple ones he'd be able to open speak his mind.

He nods stiffly from his seat with his hands clenched and tight on his knees. He's really nervous, I can sense it.

"Alright, how about you tell me your name?" I ask.

He seems to jolt back a little from his seat, and he relaxes a little more, but fear is still evident on his face. "M-my name is Danny," he says in a small, timid voice and soft eyes. What? Is...is this the 'danny' I'm talking to.

I start taking notes about the sudden change. "Well Danny, how old are you?" I ask him, listening carefully to his response.

"My daddy told me not to talk to strangers..." He started looking away shyly, "but you seem nice. I'm 7," he responded with a giggle. So as the name changes, so does his age? Well, his mental personality's age, I guess.

"What's your favorite colour Danny?" I ask him reaching into my desk and grabbing paper and crayons.

He giggles at my question and responds, "I like all the colours. But my favorite is yellow and gween. Oh! And bwoo and p-," he scrunches up his face, "pwuple," he says with a little lisp.

I laugh lightly and hand him the crayons and paper. He takes them and starts to draw.

"Whatcha drawing Danny?" I ask politely.

"I'm dwawing me and my famiwee" Danny reapplied easily.

I look at his drawing and notice that something is off. What seems to be his father, is drawn as a monster?

"Hey Danny, who is that?" I ask him pointing at his father.

"Oh, that's my daddy." He replies smoothly.

"Why is he drawn like that?" I ask , "because daddy is very scawy," he replies.

Out of no where he jolts up. And he stares down at his drawing in pure terror, "why is this here?" The boy asks.

"Do you not know what it is," I ask him. Is this another personality?

He nods very slowly, silent tears stream down his face. "I-I,... where am I? And who a-are you?" He questions.

"Hi, my name is Phil Lester. We are really good friends, and I want you to know that you can tell me anything, ok?" I tell him gently.

He nods and stiffens a bit. Tense. Very tense.

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