1: Morning "babygirl" :)

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My eyes darted open, and I sat straight foward on my now cold, and soaking wet matress.

"Goodmorning babygirl", she said in a fake motherly tone.

I eyed her as I shivered. The ice water she poured on me was starting to drip down in places it shouldn't. I looked over at the clock to find that it was only 4:30 in the morning. Wow, fun. I rolled my eyes at the woman in front of me. I stared through her until I decided she was a robot with no emotion.

"Goodmorning Cynthia, excited for today? Ready to force me into a jailcell and throw away the key as you cupcake up with my father?" I asked bitterly as I shoved past her and walked towards the bathroom.

That was my stepmother. Imagine Cinderella's story except... I'm not going to a palace I'm going to a prison. A prison for teenagers with "problems" of course. I personally don't think I have problems, I just tend to break into places when I get bored or need space. I pick locks and jump fences also I get into fights at school often but usually I get tired of getting taunted so I shut up the snarky bitches myself. How is that a problem?

About ten years ago, when I was six my mother passed away from a brain tumor and it was just me and my Dad. That was until he met Cynthia and her son, Chad, when I was ten. Cynthia was a money hungry leech who has hated me since she laid her manipulative eyes on me. Her long dyed blonde hair, tight clothing, and nasty attitude somehow won over my desperate father looking for a mother to take care of me. Now here I was, age 16 being sent to boarding school.

I walked into my messy bathroom, and got into the shower. My extremely curly, mixed girl hair knotting up as I stood underneath the shower cap. My mind was at capacity with thoughts of this school. The "DSFTT" they called it. Also known as the "Disciplinary School for Troubled Teens". What if they made us eat gross food and we had to go to sleep at 6:00?? That meant no more Twinkies and Cupcakes at 3 am while shamelessly watching The Wonder Pets!! Ugh. I turned off the shower and put on my lightwashed jeans, a superman Tshirt, and my beat up white converse. I looked at my reflection, however I didn't see me. I saw someone I don't even recognize. Sure, she had the same curly brown hair and caramel colored skin, but she wasn't *me*. I sighed heavily and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

"There she is!", my father exclaimed with a bright smile.

" You look excited to see me, yet you are sending me away for 2 years.", I retorted as I gave him a hug.

I knew it hurt him to send me away and all my rebellious actions tired him, but I couldn't stop. I lived for a life of adventure and exploration just like my mother. We rarely spoke of her but I remembered her lively stories and bright eyes. She never brought true honor to the family in Japan. She ran away to America in order to be herself, a musician, and did not marry a "good asian boy". She married a basketball player from New York. She believed in being individual, and bright... Like a star.

"What time do we leave?", I asked as I picked up a piece of toast.

" Noon", he stated dryly as he went back to skimming through his newspaper.

I returned to my room and checked the time. It was 6 am. Quickly I grabbed my black Jansport backpack and stuffed it with snacks, water, money, blankets, flashlights, rope, and a knife. As I reached for my cell phone, I heard footsteps.

"Are you trying to run away?"

"No, Chad mind your business." I muttered grimly.

"Where are you going?" He asked.


"Can I come?"

"Fuck no babyyyyy", I replied with a smile on my face as I shut my door on him.

I opened my window and slowly crawled through, jumping out of my room. I tip-toed to my bike and hopped on it, biking away faster and faster as the living hell called my home faded behind me.



aloha fellow wattpad readers! This is my first book like ever (except for like in third grade ahaha) so plz keep ur judgement to yourself, though I would appreciate some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism :) My age I will reveal later on but I am a young writer. I like puns, and bad jokes so as you can imagine Star will be a lot like that hahah. She has a more confident attitude than I do but she is honestly a nerd inside! As a young author, obviously I have room to grow, but I would really love if my readers could elaborate/give more constructive criticism. Also, just comment in general! It's nice to see that you guys care enough to comment and ask questions, because I love to answer them. I can't promise updates everyday because that is simply unrealistic. I have school, extracurriculars, and homelife to juggle. However, I can promise by the end of every sunday I will have updated at least three chapters. I am very friendly with my readers but just please keep all hate to yourself. I usually give shout outs to my readers as well :)

With all sincerity,


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