2: How did you get in my house?

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     I pedaled faster and faster until I reached my destination. My ultimate best friend Nick's house. Considering the time, I knew that he was still sleeping. But I didn't care.  I looked up at his window, of course it was open. He has been too afraid to sleep with the window closed since we were in preschool.  This was going to be too easy.

  Effortlessly, I jumped and grabbed the windowsill beneath his. Holding on tightly, I swung my feet up until I was able to climb. My finger slipped and my weight became heavy, like a weight dragging me down. Straining, I reached up and grabbed hold of his windowsill, pulling  myself up and into his messy, gross room.

    I quietly stepped over dirty clothes, empty food wrappers, basketballs, and more unmentionable items until I made it to his bed. His almond shaped eyes for once not covered by glasses and his peaceful face covered in drool.  His shaggy black hair was matted, and his abs peaked through his pajama shirt. Most girls drool over Nick because of his looks, his intelligence, and the fact that he was captain of the basketball team. But Nick was my best friend, the only one that understood me and I would never ever put that in jeopardy for a bit of romance. Tears welled in my eyes at the thought of leaving him in a few hours.

   "Nick, wake up", I whispered as I shook him




         "Nicky wake uppp", I said shaking him harder.


                "Ugh, I have to pull a Cynthia", I muttered as I pulled a water bottle out of my backpack.

               I slowly unscrewed the water bottle and moved it towards him. I poured a stream of water down his neck.

            "WHAT THE—", he began before I clamped my hand over his loud mouth.

          "Shhhh, whisper!" , I whisper-scolded.

        "Star Marie Augustine, how did you get in my house?", he questioned with his eyebrows furrowed.

     "The window... Duh"

       "Aye nako", he said sounding like his mother.

        His mother was a beautiful lady, but a bit crazy. After his dad left when we were eight, she was always in her room. Of course she was never alone in her room, someone new was in there everynight and poor Nick had to hear their screams and moans. Mrs. Abriola was checked out mentally, but would flip her lid  and call my dad if she found me in her son's room while he was changing. Yikes.

     "Dude hurry we only have 5 hours.", I complained.

      "I can't go anywhere with hair like this!", he whined,pointing at his shaggy black hair.

     I rolled my eyes and sat on his bed until he was finished. On his walls were pictures of us, posters of comics, and a poster I made him in fifth grade.

  "Awww you still have my macaroni poster?" , I asked tears welling in my eyes.

 "Of course I do", he stated bluntly as he walked over to sit next to me.

   "Nick, I am going to miss you", I cried.

   He brought me into his embrace. "It's okay, we still have 5 hours! Where are we going?" He asked with a smile.

   "To remember ", I replied as I jumped out the window and hopped on my bike.

He looked down cautiously.

  "Just jump!" I exclaimed.

 And so he did.


A sahhhhh dudes how are you liking the story so far?? I just finished this chapter and chapters 3-7 when will be posted by today:)

How do you guys like Nick?? Star and Nick are super close and it sucks to say goodbye to him but don't worry not for long!  I am super excited to keep writing!! Sooo gotta blast to chapter three🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

(Peep that Jimmy neutron reference)

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