3: what do you call a cow with no legs??

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   "Owwwwww", Nick complained as he rubbed his backside.

    He attempted jumping out the window, and failed.

      I tried holding back a giggle, "Are you okay?", I asked more out of humor than real concern.

     "No I fell on my ass." He retorted.

      "What ass?" I asked jokingly.

           He shot me a dirty look as he got onto his own bike and started pedaling behind me.

    "Where are we really going?" He called behind me.

     " I already told you! To remember", I informed him, pedaling faster.

       I was taking him to our favorite childhood place, Manny's Pizza, Burgers, and ice cream. That place shut down last year, due to a health code violation but it was depressing for Nick and I. That was the one place we went for release, an escape. We would eat until we couldn't anymore and play the arcade games for hours on end. We even got free prizes from Manny, the owner. When we were there together eating cheezy pizza and playing germ infested arcade games, we could forget and be normal kids for one moment.

    We turned on the freeway and  rode in silence until we made it to our destination.  I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the entrance. Tugging on the door I realized it was locked. I pulled two bobby pins from my hair and used them to pick the lock. Then I swung the door open and motioned for Nick to go inside.

   "Star is this legal?", he fretted, his mouth wide open with disbelief.

 "Do you want the truth or for me to simply comfort you?" 

"No I am not getting arrested today", he stated.

"Aww man you just ruined our last day together! Don't you love me?"

"Fine, I hate you"

 "I love you too" I cooed with a smile

   "This why you are going to teenage prison", he mumbled

    We walked inside. It smelled dusty and it was pretty dark. It looked so sad and empty. As if the life and joy had been sucked out of it. It reminded me of my life, empty and dark. The only light coming from the person who stood by me in the dark, scared of getting caught up because of me. But still after all these years he never left.

   "Star, why did we come here of all places? It closed a year ago"

   "Because, this was our safe haven and I need to escape one last time before I go. I can't lose everything! I sure as hell can't lose yo—"

   He kissed me. Nicholas Abriola, my best friend (the hottest guy at school) just kissed me. He hugged me tight and tears trickled down my face. He wiped them away with his hands.

       "No matter where you go, I will wait for you. I will stay right here and wait on you to come home to me, because...I love you"he said the last words tenderly. The words barely louder than a whisper.

     "I love you too", I said as I buried my head into his chest. 

       He pulled away and pulled off his necklace. He put it around my neck and looked into my eyes.

     "Promise me you won't change. Stay the same Star you always have been, don't forget about me."he whispered I could see tears forming in his slanted eyes.

     "I won't forget you.... I just wish you had shown how you felt about me sooner..." I admitted.

    He smiled. His eyes sparkled and his teeth shined. He looked down at me admiringly. 

     "Can I tell you a joke?"he asked with a smile

       "Depends...Will it actually be funny?", I mused

        "What do you call a cow with no legs?", he asked a broad smile forming on his clear face.

       "I'm not sure, what?"  I questioned

       "Ground beef"

        We both laughed until we couldn't breathe. We talked and laughed for hours about everything and anything our minds could fathom.


Authors note:

This chapter is dedicated to two people. The one person I continue to wait for no matter what, the person who told me the ground beef joke hahaha and the loml. (Hopefully this year goes by fast until you can come back to me my love) 

Also to edylle ferrari one of my best friends!! ( @Babygurleazy) she helped me through a lotta tears this year also she helped me name Star hahaha. So yeah 

This chapter really is short and I tbh didn't plan on Nick and Star being a thing but  his character reminds me of someone I love a lot and I fell in love with this character as well and Star and him have a real connection so why not :)

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