Chapter 6 Sister? (No its not what u think peoples)

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I was on another mission with Rio, Justin and those two guys that i still don't know... I asked what there names are but...

~~~Flash back of what happened~~~

Y/n: Um... since I'm working with you guys can i ask for your names?

Gene: Im not telling you my name

Zenix: Me neither...

they said sounding a little ticked off

Y/n: Ooooo....kay then...

~~~back to irl~~~

Y/n: I forgot to ask but wheres are mission?

Justin: Were going to New Meteli. Heard of it?

I shake my head no 

Y/n: Whats are goal?

Gene: To find this girl...

Y/n: Are we gonna do anything to her?

Rio: No we actually need to just take her in and if she doesn't follow then hey we can always kidnap

Y/n: Why do we need this girl?

Rio: Theres an aura around Laurence that is similar to ours and i believe its cause he is related to that girl

Y/n: How were you able to talk to Laurence?

Rio: well...

~~~the story...~~~

(3rd person for now...)

As Rio walks down the dark dungeon stairs she looks over to see a sleeping Laurence

At first she claps

no respond

she kicks his chair a bit

still, no respond

she slaps his face


Rio: I mean no harm unless you tell me about your sister...

Laurence: You are not gonna kill my sister Cadenza...

He looks at her with deep red eyes, so does she 

Rio: But thats the thing! I don't want Cadenza!

Laurence: but she's my only sister...

Rio: Wow you've been lied to your WHOLE life... You've met her, you've talked to her, she was your best friend! Well thats at the orphanage of course... 

Laurence: How do you know that...

Rio: I have my sources...

Laurence: Grrrrrrrrrr...

Rio: Your friend... as in the girl with black hair... red eyes... and at that time she was wearing, i believe.... a gray dress?

Laurence: What do you want from her!?

Rio: I want nothing from her! honest! we just need to talk to her 

Laurence: And why do i have to tell yo-

She bangs her hands on the table infront of Laurence

Rio: If you don't tell me you will not get out of here alive 


Rio: Fine then...ill use some tricks up my sleeves Gene!

She sings out his name

Killer Or Thief// Zenix X reader X GeneWhere stories live. Discover now