Chapter 22

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Alright... we managed to get most of the guards......

But some of them got through to where Laurence is...


Crescent POV

Crescent: Mmmph...

Me and Garroth were at it


Oh well Im gonna be quite a young mommy 

I moaned louder as Garroth bit my sweet spot on my neck giving me a hickey.

We were on Justins bed oh well I'm sure its fine (not)

We both moaned louder as Garroth Climaxed in me for the 3rd time


After killing or injuring majority of  the guards Levin, the Son and new lord of Phoenix drop comes up to us and give us the 1000000 bars of Gold we asked for and we gave hem Laurence back

Levin: This is for mom...

Y/n: Oh well that was a bad choice 

I said with a smirk as we left 

Levin: What did she mean...

As Lord Levin opens the bag Laurence was supposed to be in instead it had 10 time bombs that were about to explode in 5 seconds 


He yelled as his guard threw it as far as he could 

Levin: Phew... thank you 


Gene POV

I hear a huge KABOOM!! near us as we walked towards our house

Y/n: Dang whoever threw that can throw far...

Zenix: Yea, i guess our house isn't as far as we thought 

Y/n: Yea... well I'm going to sleep!

Gene: Alright have a long rest!

I smile to her as she hopped over to our house 

Me and Zenix went to our room and as we both lay down in our beds Zenix says

Zenix: I really thought today was gonna be the day we would F*ck Y/n...

I smirk 

Gene: Me too 

Zenix: Say, why don't we have a little... Deal...

Gene: Im listening

Zenix Smirks

Zenix: Grabbed your attention? i see

Gene: Of shut up! just spill it

Zenix: Fine, whoever f*ucks Y/n first gets her

Gene: bring it, but what if it becomes a threesome?

Zenix: She'll choose who she wants on that same day we Fuck her

Gene: Alright,  Deal, shake?

Zenix shakes my hand

Zenix: Shake

I smirk

Gene: Don't get mad at me if i win!

Zenix: Yea right Gene 


Y/n POV 

Once i get to my room all i hear is moaning next door which kinda creeped me out and i got pretty scared of opening the room

Wait next door is Just- I'm to young to be an aunt!!!

After the 5 min of awkwardness i slowly back away from the door and go upstairs to Gene and Zenixs room. As i was about to knock on the door i stop when i hear Zenix start to talk

~~~After hearing there deal~~~

There really gonna settle it the dirty way! Why!!!

Man! Boys are so stupid... but its sadly cute... 

After i was gonna open the door i hear Gene say another thing

Gene: Promise me one thing Zenix

Zenix: Yea?

Gene: Even if one of our hearts were broken, We have to still be best bros

Zenix: Thats not even a question dude!

I hear Gene smirk then after a few minutes i knock lightly on the door so that no one hears

I then see Zenix open the door

Zenix: Oh Y/n what are you doing here?

Y/n: I-i think Rio and my brother a-are at it...

Gene came up from behind Zenix 

Gene: What makes you say that?

Y/n: Ummmmmm lets j-just say i heard sounds....

Zenix: Ohhhhh....

Zenix had a bit of a sheepish smile on his mouth then pins me against Gene and the wall behind him

Zenix: This is how it will be like once we pleasure you a bit 

He says with a smirk

A huge blush comes upon my face

Gene then licks my neck as he began to pull down the shoulder of my shirt 

Then Zenix starts off by biting my neck with his deep fangs


I end there because I'm not making lemons its a bit of limes... BUT ITS NOT A LEMON

so, which is why i have ended it there... 

I think ok THINK the next to chapters will be the last ones because one will and with Zenix and other will end with Gene as usual right? Right 

Now for people who don't read  my notes... WE NEED TO TALK 

I . Need . You . To . Vote . on . What . x . Reader . you . want .

Go to my profile page or chapter 19 in this book to see what x readers I'm willing to do. either comment in my conversations or comment on any chap in this book!

Please i need this done... I can't get any ideas until i get enough votes 

- Rio / Bunny

P.s mini Crescents and Garroths XD

Killer Or Thief// Zenix X reader X GeneWhere stories live. Discover now