Chapter 23 (??? Ending)

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BECAUSE No one seems to read my author notes in the end (RUUUUUUDEE!!!) So 2 things VOTE ON WHAT X READER U WANT ON CHAP 19 and GO CHECK OUT @Kawaiichan1135690 and read her book TMNT Boyfriend Fanfics For You. She just started writing so please give her any suggestions and positive comments!


Last night was... hmmm whats the word or words...




Aaaaaaand awwwwwkward.......

Yeaa.... that was... yea......

I thought as i slowly woke up in my bed with the two shirtless boys beside my bed.

Luckily they hand there pants on... good i thought we might go at it again

But after I realized that i was clothed.... so... they must have changed me... ummm thats... thankful and .... awkward!

Y/n: Did Justin Kill you guys?

Gene: What? does it look like we died or are we ghosts now?

I giggled and Zenix Smirked

I look at Zenix and smile then he smiles back at me which probably made Gene mad because he was growling heheheh.........

Gene: So who do you choose?

Y/n: Im sorry Gene i just need... some time to think

I then get out of my bed and Go outside and think and walk around the places we kissed at...

hmmmmm... this is probably the hardest choice I've ever made...

as i was walking around the area and retracing my steps to see who i should be with I sit on an old log and sigh

Y/n: how can I make the decision... there both cute... both nice... both treat me....... er yeaaa I shouldn't really be talking about that...

Then a pair of arms got wrapped around me and covered my eyes

???: M'lady, M'lady, who am I~ the love of your life? An enemy? A sibling? Or simply just a friend?~


I blushed a dark shade of red

By the way he flirts it sounds like Gene... or Zenix... I wonder how I don't know this? I've been with the two of them for at least a year now! Yet I still can't recognize there voices...

Y/n: uhhhhhh.... one of my lovers?

Justin: what ewww no! I've been with you since you were born sis! And u can't recognize my voice!?

He said while sitting beside me

I sigh

Y/n: sorry Justin it's just... wait Wait wait WAAAAAAAAIT I SHOULD BE ASKING YOU SOMETHING!

Justin: uhhhh liiiike?

Y/n: what the hell was going on in your bedroom last night? Cough sex cough cough

Justin just stared at me

Justin: your sarcasm is terrible you just said 'cough cough' and why do you think I did that plus who would I even do that with?

I roll my eyes

Y/n: brother, it's too obvious, Rio

He gets a small bit of pink on his cheeks

Justin: whaaaat about her?

I face palmed

Y/n: you forgot our conversation didn't you?

Killer Or Thief// Zenix X reader X GeneWhere stories live. Discover now