Chapter 23 (??? Ending)

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Y/n POV 

As i woke up i see A shirtless boy staring at me on my left and a Boy with a shirt on on my right and i was also clothed... 

Zenix: Hey Darling~ Who do u choose?

Gene seems like he woke up because i heard a yawn

Gene: Yea Cutie who do u choose~ 

Y/n: U-Uh I-I-I need some t-time to th-think... I-Im sorry 

I then quickly jumped out of bed and ran into the woods thinking about who to choose... Zenix Or Gene... Killer or Thief.... Its a really hard choice because one has almost the same characteristics as the other. One is more flirty and the other is a bit more stubborn but thats the cute thing about him...

UGH This is the hardest choice on earth! 2 boys chasing after ME Me out of all the girls out there!!! 

I sigh as i walk to the near by lake and dip my feet into the water but thats when i feel a mask go over my mouth and my eyes widen as i faint 


Zenix POV

As i was gonna go and surprise Y/n I saw her go near the lake but when i got there she was... gone... thats odd i swore i saw her go this direction... wait... 

I look near the rock i expected she would be at and saw a water stain on the dry rock and went towards the direction it seemed like it was pointing to and thats when i see Dante taking her towards the end portal.

My eyes widen and I Dove right at him creating us to roll on the floor and suddenly I'm on top

Dante: Im here to retrieve My princess


I then bring out my sword about to slice his head off till Y/n grabs my hand and said

Y/n: I-I know he's done a lot of terrible stuff but he still deserves to live because... well if he gets killed then shadow knights will be looking for Gene again...

I hadn't thought about that... I guess she's true, the nether needs a ruler in order to reproduce and such...

I sigh and let him go so he can stand up but i immediately grab his wrists and pull them behind his back 

Zenix: You thought i was gonna let go of u that easily? Well you thought wrong...

I then threw him into the portal 

Zenix: Y/N! Are you okay!?

Y/n: Y-Yea im fine just didn't expect him to come back...

Zenix: Yea... 

Y/n: Thanks for saving me...

Zenix: Anytime for you Darling~ 

After that it went a bit silent between us and as i was looking at her a bit  i saw a her blush while she was looking away thats when Y/n also looks at me

i look at her with a bit of confusion and thats when she jumps over to me and kisses me with her arms wrapped around my neck 

My eyes widen with a huge blush on my face because of the unexpected kiss

I suppose i let my guard down too much... heh 

She's smart in situations like this... She knows when a mans shield is down 

I Then fall over creating her to be on top as i kiss her back asking for entrance by biting her bottom lip 

She denies and no one denies Me 

I smirk a bit and squeeze her breast 

(Ok i wanted to make up there more dirty but theres a bit younger audience read here if u wanna know what I was gonna say XD "I smirk a bit and rub her clit with my knee"am i really that dirty?) 

She gasp with my sudden movement as i forcefully enter my tongue

Was she gonna pick me? Please... Yes I loooooove her with all my heart.

In high school I used to play girls around as if they were toys and I suppose I still do but ever since I met Y/n Ive always had this feeling I haven't felt... My heart beat would always skip a few beats faster and my tongue twists a bit sometimes, speechless of what I was gonna say.


Gene POV 

I saw enough... 

Although my heart was as broken as ever this... What I witnessed is telling me that... that she i suppose wasn't the one i was supposed to be with

Still even so I walk away not even bothering to see the rest


Zenix POV

After parting for breath i ask...

Zenix: So Does this mean u chose me darling?~

Y/n: Maybe maybe not You choose~

Judging by the way she said it I'm guessing yes

Zenix: Dont lie to me honey~ I know you want me~

Y/n: Awwww thats cute of u and how do u know i want you?

Zenix: Because you are mine

I then passionately kiss her and roll us overs that I'm on top

She's clearly My thief 

Im clearly her Killer 

We both Fit

I love her 

~~~NOTE: Read the bolded part at least please~~~

I liek minecraf

Tank chu 4 readin

Yallz Readerz arez so nishhhhhh

Ok Now i have this story idea its REALLY good i promise so which means the other ideas i wrote in that other chap? Yea there going to the garbage yup thats right 

aaaanyways let me give u guys a little gander at dis story 

U Y/n is one of the best journalists in London who one day gets invited to a cruise ship! Once you got into the boat you only saw 21 (Idk how many yet so stick with that for a while) people including yourself. Once you got on the ship all 21 of you gets told that the boat will soon leave you to rot within a month and the only way of getting out of that position is to find the captain of the cruise... You were also told that The Captain will slowly eliminate everyone on the boat till you find out who it is... 

Ok you may be thinking "Sooooo whats the x reader in this story?" well idk yet bc u guys need to vote I'm not telling anyone what x reader it is but know that its gonna get a little hot between the MCD MS and such people u have voted on so its all on you guys honestly 

If anyone has any questions please ask away! Cause ill answer anything unless its something i can't answer or it will spoil the story

THANKS FOR READING You guys are the best honestly! i only started in May and already have so many readers! Im really thank full for you guys and I'm not just saying that because it was thanks giving a few days ago Plus Canadas Thanks giving is in October so yea, So hope to see you in my other book!


Killer Or Thief// Zenix X reader X GeneWhere stories live. Discover now