Chapter 8 Jealousy (there are so many chapters out there named that XD)

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As I woke up this morning I realized what Zenix did last night and blushed

Then I noticed Justin in the room

Justin: blushing about something

Y/n: yeah... Wait how did you know that!?

Justin: did you enjoyed yesterday's kiss?

Y/n: Justin! What kind of question is that!?

Justin: tell me did you enjoy it or not!?

He asked getting slightly mad

Y/n: and why should I tell you

Justin: because I care about you and i decided that I 'kill' the person who kissed you if you didn't let them or enjoy it.

Y/n: I'm glad you care...

I sighed

Y/n: I can't really say I enjoyed it but I also can really say I hated it...

Justin: so... Is it enjoy or hate?

Y/n: hate?

Justin: alright I'll see you in a bit!

Y/n: huh?

He walked out of the room

Zenix: Huh? What do you want Justin???

Justin: I want to kill you

Zenix: Oh- Wait WHAT!?


I slightly giggled knowing what was happening out side my door

As i walked back up stairs i see Justin chasing after him While he's running around the counter and throwing plates at each other

Gene: Ugh... Whats going on?

Justin: Im trying to murder Zenix

Gene: Why?

Justin: Because he kissed Y/n

Gene Looked at me wide eyed then looked back at Justin

Gene: Did she like it?

Justin: No! Which is why I'm trying to murder him

Gene: Can i join?

Justin: Sure

Zenix: WHAT Thats not fair!!! Y/n! save me!!!

He puts me in front of him and used me as a shield

Y/n: Wait what!? Zenix I-

he cut me off by teleporting me with him

Zenix: Uhhh where are we?

Laurence: Uhhh...

Zenix: We teleported to where Rio was

Laurence: Is Crescent my sister?

Y/n: Im not sure if I'm aloud to tell you

Rio: UGH!!! Im gonna kill you Gene!!!

Gene: What about Justin!?



I giggled a little hearing whats happening upstairs

We went outside of Laurences Dungeon and into the dungeon halls

Y/n: Zenix where are we going?

Zenix: Were staying here

Y/n: Why?

i say as i tilt my head

Zenix: Because heres the perfect place to be alone

he puts his forehead on mine as I blush

Zenix then kissed me again

As I looked to the side I see Gene walking away

Y/n: Gene wait!

I try to run after him but Zenix held me back

Zenix: Genes fine he's just... Jealous

Y/n: Zenix let go of me please i need to help Gene!

Zenix: its best for you to be with m-


I saw his eyes widen as he loosened his grip which gave me the chance to run after Gene

~~~In the deep forest~~~

Y/n: Gene! Geeeneee! where are you!!!

I screamed into the deep dark forest

In fact i didn't even notice it was night!

Then i saw a pair of red eyes in the bushes

Y/n: Gene?

as i said that more red eyes started to circle around me

Then they came closer and closer making me realize there wolves

I fell to the ground

Y/n: G-gene...

Then they all came and attacked me all at once but i didn't feel even a pinch

Gene: A-are you okay Y/n?

Gene said clearly in pain of all of the wolves scratches

Y/n: Gene! your hurt are you okay!?

Gene: Im fi-

he fell to the ground as all of the wolves fled

Y/n: GENE!!!

I rolled him over and listened if he had a heart beat

i couldn't hear anything...

Y/n: NOOOOOO!!!!

I cried

i cried into his life-less chest

and stayed there realizing i slept


Rlly sorry this was released late and like i said chapters will be shorter now so sorry wait which book did i say that in? I don't remember so i hope u enjoyed now lets meet some new pplz!

Bob: Hi my name is bob

Bob 1: Hai im Bob #1

Bob 2: Hi just hi cause u already know my name *does a no-haired sassy hair flip*



Was it too inappropriate?

-Rio/ Bunny

Killer Or Thief// Zenix X reader X GeneWhere stories live. Discover now