Part 7

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I couldn't stop fidgeting as I waited for the bell to ring for lunch. I needed to see him and talk to him. I'd already talked to Bree and she felt terrible. I wanted to know why he'd run out. Was what Bree said true? Was he a monster? Why else would he have run? Finally, the bell for lunch rang and I bolted out the door.

I searched the cafeteria first in case he'd come back. He was nowhere to be found. I walked outside and searched around campus. I'd been looking for about 10 minutes when I heard crying over by the trash can. I walked over and there he was. He was crouched down, hugging his knees. Tears were violently falling from his eyes.

"Luke?" I started

"What do you want?" He hissed.

"What happened back there?" I asked.

"Your bitch of a friend called me a monster. I thought that was obvious."

"Well is it true? Cause if it's not then why should you care?"

"Can we talk about something else?" He asked.

"No we can't, Luke. Why did you run out? Please tell me."

"What if I told you that everything she said was true? What if I am a monster?" His breathing was heavy.

"All that tells me is that there is something deeper causing you to be that way. It doesn't mean you can't change."

"Why couldn't you just leave me alone? You had to meddle you stupid, stupid girl!" He took off again, leaving me in shock. He was right, I should just leave him alone.

*Luke's POV*

"it doesn't mean you can't change" what did she know? I'd been trying to change for years to no avail. Everything she said was pushing me further and further to the edge. I had to get away before I did something I'd regret.

"Why you couldn't you just leave me alone? You had to meddle you stupid, stupid girl!" I went over the words again in my mind. It probably wasn't the greatest thing to say but I was pissed. I ran in the direction of the loft. I didn't want to end up near her again. I took a second to look back at her as I ran. Her face was buried in her hands and she was shaking violently. What have I done?

*Zorinda's POV*

The rest of the school day was awful. I still had a sinking feeling in my stomach from what Luke said. I distanced myself from Bree. I really didn't talk to anyone. I wanted to be alone and try and figure out the whole situation.

"How was school Rindy?" My mom asked cheerfully when I walked in the house.

"Wonderful." I stated as I stomped up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door.

I logged onto my Facebook to see if my best friend from back home was online. Sure enough, the green dot was next to his name. My computer dinged.

*Ashton Irwin messaged you!"

My heart leapt out of my chest. It had been too long since we'd spoken. I needed his advice right now. I also needed to hear his voice and see his face. I opened a video chat. A wide smile spread across my face when his goofy, dimpled grin came into view. To my surprise my other friend Piper was next to him.

"Rindy!" Ashton shouted from the screen.

"Hey! It's so good to see you both!" I said cheerfully.

"There's something we need to tell you Rindy." Piper said with slight hesitation in her voice.

"What's going on? You're not pregnant are you?" I said jokingly.

"No! Ashton and I are dating!" She smiled shyly as he wrapped his arm around her. I was so happy that they were finally together. They liked each other for years now.

"It's about time! I'm so happy for you too."

"Thank you! Piper has to go it's gonna be you and me now." Ashton said as he blew Piper a kiss.

"How's life?" Ashton asked

"Oh where do I begin...." I started. For the next hour I told him about everything that had happened. I gave him nothing but the truth. I could trust him and I was tired of lying. I teared up as I recalled the events. The Luke who saved me was so different from the Luke who said those harsh words to me yesterday. What was his problem? I thought he said he wanted to be friends.

"Obviously there's something much deeper about him. What do you know about his past?" Ashton asked.

"Nothing. I only know rumors."

"What rumors?"

"Something about him beating his mother in a drunken rage and his dad kicking him out." Ashton choked on the piece of pizza he was eating.

"That was him?!"

"What?" I asked.

"It was all over the news. The police are still searching for him but I swear they said his name was Robert Hale. Did he change his name?"

"I guess so. What else do they know?"

"I don't know. He disappeared before they could figure anything else out." He answered.

"I'll get him to tell me. I know he has good intentions, he's just misunderstood."

"You have always been an excellent judge of character." Ashton stated. "I have to go. Harry wants to play football. Good luck!"

"Thanks Ash, I'll talk to you later." And we signed off.

Now that I knew more about what happened, I wish I didn't. To say that it scared me was an understatement. For the next week I couldn't go near him. He tried to talk to me but I had a feeling I shouldn't. I just needed time.

After a week and a half, I was finally over the shock. I tried to act friendly toward him again. He would smile faintly or wave.

One day when I was walking to class, he stopped me. He had an apologetic look on his face. His usual dark, deep aura was now light and gentle. He pulled me into a tight hug, burying his face in my neck.

"I'm sorry Rindy." He mumbled in my ear.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked.

"You were being nothing but nice to me. You were the first person who was willing to be friends with me and I pushed you away. I don't want you to leave. I don't want to be alone again. Please forgive me." He had tears streaming down his face. He looked like a little child, innocent and vulnerable. I stroked his hair.

"I forgive you Luke." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Thank you." He wrapped me in his arms tighter. I took a deep breath to prepare myself for my next question.

"Luke? Doyouwanttocomeovertoday." I slurred, anticipating his answer.

A/N: Hey guys. I'm soooo sorry that I haven't updated in forever! School is crazy and I have a lead in a musical that I've been having to work on so there's not much time to update. I promise I really will try harder to update on weekends or whenever I get some free time. I love you all :)

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