Part 18

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*Zorinda's POV*

Over the next few weeks, Luke and I barely saw each other, I was always at the studio painting. We didn't see each other at school because Luke dropped out. And when I was home, he'd be out due to his job. I couldn't remember him ever sending in job applications and he said he couldn't tell me what he was doing. It bothered me but I didn't want to fight with him on the rare occasions I did see him. I would rather spend those moments catching up and just having the time to be us. Tonight was one of those nights.

"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" I asked as I stared at our hands that were laced together.

"I'm not sure. All I know is that I still want to be with you and be able to give you anything you want." He gently stroked my hair

"I love you, Lucas."

"You know that's not my name Zorinda."

"And you know I hate my name."

"Well I think it's beautiful, just like you." He nuzzled his nose into my neck

"Well maybe I think Lucas is beautiful, just like you." I said with a wink

"Hey! Don't steal my line." He pouted

"I'm sorry baby." I kissed him. "Will you forgive me?"


I don't think I had ever felt more content than I did in that moment. It didn't matter that I'd lost my family and everything important to me to be with him. If I had to do it again, I happily would. Luke was worth the risk. Even on the days when I did feel alone and sad, all he had to do was wrap his arms around me and I felt safe. And I never wanted that feeling to go away.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

*Luke's POV*

She fell asleep and I hated to leave her but I needed to go train. My match with Michael was tomorrow. I was confident in my ability at this point but I still needed that last pull.

I quietly got out of our shared bed and pulled on my gym clothes and grabbed my gym bag. I left a note that said "couldn't sleep, I went out for a walk" just in case she woke up while I was gone. It hurt me to lie to her but I didn't want her to find out what was going on and complicate everything. Or worse, find out about the bet. It would be my worst nightmare coming true if she found out about it. She'd think that our relationship was a lie and I was just in it to get myself out of the boxing club. But that wasn't true, from the start I did like her. I just happened to get a curveball thrown at me when the deal involved her. But now I loved her and if I could go back, I never would have even joined the club in the first place. I would have saved myself so much trouble.

I sighed in relief once I walked through the gym doors. With all the stress and anxiety, beating the shit out of a punching bag became really therapeutic for me. Thinking about all the things I had to be angry about allowed me to put forth 110% That would be my strategy. I wouldn't let Michael get in my head and talk me down, I would think about why I was fighting. My freedom, and my relationship with Rindy.

As I speed-roped, I found myself drifting off and reminiscing about the fateful day when I made the bet.


"I can't do this anymore Mike!" I shouted as we waited for the train to take us to our tournament.

"Well you should've thought about that before joining the club, Hemmings."

"You told me you were going to make me the world's next greatest boxer, not enslave me and make me fight people I have no chance against just to get a little money."

"You have to challenge yourself to be successful."

I scoffed and turned away then noticed the most beautiful girl I'd ever laid eyes on. She was coming off the train and she had dark, wavy hair and olive skin. Based on the suitcases and boxes she was carrying, I imagined she'd just moved here. I could have stayed there gawking at her forever until Michael snapped be back to reality.

"She's a beauty ain't she?"

"Yeah." I said in a daze.

"I'll tell you what, that girl screams virgin to me. You take that away from her, I'll let you go and pay you back all the money I've won betting against you. But! You have to show proof."

"And if I don't?"

"You're stuck with me for another 10 years." I looked back at her and sighed.

"You have a deal."

*End of Flashback*

I only now realized that I was crying. It was such an awful thing to bet for. And to know I did it just for freedom and money disgusted me even more. I was 16. I was naive and never thought about how my actions would effect me in the long run. But here I was in anguish because of a stupid mistake. That's all it was, a stupid mistake.

I grunted as my fists collided with the bag. I had to win. I couldn't afford not to. My arms burnt and my knuckles where blistering but I kept going. I punched and punched until the manager told me they were closing up.

Tomorrow was the day that I would finally fight back with Michael. And I could not lose.

A/N: Yay!! Another update! Hope everyone had a lovely holiday! What did you guys get for Christmas? The next update will be the big fight! Tbh I haven't written it yet but I'm really excited for it. Things will only get crazier from here on out :)

Teenage Runaway (A Luke Hemmings Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora