Part I

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After the big Dana Barrett debacle, the Ghostbusters had barely had time to sit down to dinner together. It seemed everybody needed the Ghostbusters to answer their call.

When they had spare time, and weren't working, Peter was off with Dana, and the others caught up on sleep. Or tried. Zeddemore probably had the best luck.

(A/N For those of you who haven't had a thorough movie education, Peter= Dr. Peter Venkman, Stantz = Dr. Ray Stantz, Spengler= Dr. Egon Spengler, and Zeddemore= Winston Zeddemore. Now go watch the 1984 version of Ghostbusters. For real.)

Venkman, Zeddemore, and Spengler had noticed that Stantz hadn't been himself since the Dana Barrett incident. Peter and Ray always confided in each other, yet Venkman couldn't coax a word out of his typically cheery friend, who would just shrug it off with a smile and return to whatever he was doing. Same with Zeddemore.

Egon was the only one who had not yet talked to Ray, and nobody expected him to. He was a man of facts, not feelings. Any feelings that inconveniently sprung up were buried in his science. He was the genius behind their paranormal storage grid, and not one to show much emotion.

Then again nor did Ray. He was always the cheery one. Always the first down the firehouse's old pole when the bell rang. The best at capturing the ghosts. Yet he always stayed humble.

When Spengler overheard Peter and Winston talking worriedly about Ray, he had to begun to quietly observe him. What he saw kind of made his heart hurt.

He noticed it when Stantz would heavily sigh when he thought nobody was watching. He noticed when Ray's cheery face transformed into looking like he wanted to cry. He noticed it when Ray looked like he was exhausted, but still pulled his weight when they got a call. He noticed when the ever-present sparkle in his eyes would flicker out.

He wanted to help Ray be happy again, but he just didn't know how.

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