Part IV

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Once he had goggles on, Egon placed the charred samples he had collected a few days prior and put them on the lab bench.

While he washed his hands and got out the necessary equipment, he let his mind wander:

"I want to help make Ray happy again, but I don't know how. He's always a happy person. He's nicknamed the Heart of the Ghostbusters. Everybody loves him. He's got it all. Why am I babbling so much?"

Then it him. All the odd feelings he'd been experiencing over the past few weeks were because he was in love. With his best friend.

The sound of a small voice asking "Egon?" almost made him drop a piece of equipment.

"You okay Egon?", Ray asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

"Fine", Egon replied, offering up a smile as he took his place at the lab bench.

Silence fell as they began to work. It was silent for a minute anyways.

"The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man? What was I thinking Egon? That thing was alive! It could move! Thank god it came after us instead of the rest of the city!"

"Ray", Egon said calmly.

"I mean have you seen the figures we got from the mayor? Millions and millions of dollars of damage all because of my stupid mistake!"

"Raymond", Egon tried again.

"Why couldn't I have thought of something harmless? A flower can't rip cities apart!"

"Raymond!", Egon practically shouted.

"What?!", Ray said, slumping over the lab bench.

"You had no idea what was going to happen. If you hadn't thought of Mr. Stay Puft, me Pete or Winston probably would've thought of something more dangerous", Egon replied, moving the microscope aside so he could place his arm on Ray's shoulder.

"Something more dangerous?", Ray replied, sounding defeated.

"My mind was wandering towards nuclear weaponry", Egon confided.

"So-", Ray started.

"Not only would I have killed us all, but I would have been responsible for wiping an entire city off the map", Egon finished, replacing the microscope.

"Heavy stuff, huh?", Ray asked rhetorically.

"Yep", Egon replied, and they got back to work.

(A/N- I hope that was a good ending to this part. Thank you guys so much for reading this! I hope you've enjoyed it and will continue to!)

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