Part III

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When Egon woke up the next morning, he noticed Ray still fast asleep on the bed beside him. Half on the bed, anyways. The other two beds were empty, meaning Pete and Winston were already up.

When the smell of coffee began wafting down the hallway, Egon changed into his lab clothes and went to join the others.

When he got to the kitchen he was greeted by a "Good morning" from Winston, who was pouring himself and a barely awake Venkman a cup of coffee.

He poured himself a cup of coffee and joined Venkman at the table. 

"Bacon's on the stove, Egon", Winston said.

Egon nodded his thanks between sips of coffee.

All of a sudden there was a crash in the hallway followed by a curse, and then a very tired-looking Ray appeared in the kitchen. All three of his friends were raising their eyebrows at him.

"Stubbed my toe in the hallway", he explained as he gulped down a first cup of coffee and poured himself a second before taking his spot at the table.

Winston threw Pete and Egon a look before turning back to the stove.

"So Egon- Pete and I are going down to town hall to talk about the damage with the mayor. Do you wanna come with us?", Winston asked.

"No- I need to run the samples I got from the top of Dana Barrett's apartment building to see if I can figure out what it is that needs to be done to our proton packs", Egon replied.

At the mention of Dana, Peter perked up.

"Ray?", Winston asked.

"Nah- Egon could probably use my help", Ray replied in between a yawn.

"Why do they get to choose Winston", Pete whined.

"Because Ray and Egon handle the science side of this operation which puts us as the handlers of the business side of it", Winston replied with an exaggerated eye-roll.

"Ugh finee", Pete said, and slumped down the hall to get dressed.

Egon looked at Ray expectantly.

"I'll join you in the lab in a minute. I'm still waking up", Ray replied.

Egon had to keep himself from running to the lab at the prospect that he might get some time alone with Ray.

(A/N Sorry if this seem short. I really wanted to put something up tonight. Already I'm getting waaaayyyy more reads than I ever expected to get, so thank you guys so much! Okay now I'm going to finish my math homework. Honest.)

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