Part II

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One night while Spengler was driving Ecto-1 back from another call, he noticed Ray asleep in the passenger seat beside him.

When he pulled into the firehouse, he nudged Ray and said, "Raymond. We're back at the firehouse."

Ray jolted awake and said, "Already? It seems like we just left!"

"Probably because you fell asleep", Egon replied as they walked into the firehouse.

"Oh. I'm sorry Spengler", he replied sheepishly, flushing red.

"I'll go put this bugger in the grid and meet you upstairs", Ray said, heading towards the basement. (A/N Again for those who lack a thorough movie education when I refer to the grid it's slang for the paranormal containment system Egon invented. I just don't feel like typing that.)

Egon headed upstairs and put the tea kettle on the stove and read some of Tobin's Spirit Guide while he waited for the kettle to boil and Ray to come upstairs.

When Ray got upstairs, Egon said, "Come join me Ray. I've put tea on for both of us."

"Tea sounds nice, thank you Spengler", Ray replied with a grateful tone in his voice, joining his friend at the table.

When the tea kettle was done, Spengler shut his book and hopped up to get two mugs, two tea bags, and the kettle. He carefully poured hot water into the two mugs and handed one to his friend, and popped a tea bag in to each mug.

After carefully taking a sip of his tea, Spengler asked, "How are you doing Raymond?"

"Just fine, Egie", Ray said with a smile that looked more forced than genuine.

"Really, Raymond? It doesn't seem that way to all of us."

"Not this again. Honestly I'm fine! Just tired", the brunette replied a little too quickly.

"Anyways, I'm going to go sleep now. Good night Spengler", Ray said as he headed towards their bedrooms followed by Spengler's weary gaze.

"Night, Ray", Egon replied, already lost in thought.

"This is not going to be easy", Egon thought as he picked up his book again.

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