Doctor appointment

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I don't really know how to um how do I say this be a parent. When I was younger the omegas only fed me and clothes me but I never left my room I stayed there. I don't really know what affection is. Like I know what it is but I don't know how its shown. I never played house or gad friends I don't even think my grandparents known I exist. Now I have to take care of a baby all the scenarios are popping in my head. Luna Shelly said she will help if I need it but I don't want to make her feel like the baby is her responsibility. She already has 2 kids one name Erica who's 12 years old and a boy named Martin whose 16. I don't think it would be a good idea.

Well I am in the pack doctor while Cole is at a meeting. He wanted to stay but I said I'll tell him everything later. "Okay, Kori I am Dr.Ducky and we are going to see the baby. So please lift up your shirt." I did what he asked he put this gel on and then smothered it with a wond. "Do you think its a girl or a boy?" He asked me. "I hope its a girl." I said. If the baby is a girl then Drew has no use to me. "Well you are correct its a girl." He said while smiling at me. He took some picture and then handed me a napkin to wipe off the gel. I whipped it and pulled my shirt down as he handed me the pictures. I took my shoes off and walked to my office. My bump is noticeable and all.

I opened the door and walked to my chair. I put the picture on the desk and looked at it. I took my hair down fro the bun as it casketed down to the floor. Even the Luna's hair is not this long which is shocking but its probably because I'm I a born alpha. I crossed my legs in my seat and pulled up to my music playlists that Cole helped me create. The music began to play as I took out some pale pink and white papers. They where forms from Luna Raven about something's and pack papers. I grabbed my pen and began fixing and signing things.

A buzz was heard from my iPhone on the desk. I unlocked it and saw U had messages from Luna and Cole. I opened Luna's first and she asked did I want to get my nails done with her and Erica tomorrow and I replied with sure getting a quick reply with the answers. I opened Cole's and he said he'll be in the office in a minute. I put the phone back down and finished with the paperwork and faxing them over. I sat back down the way I was before. I took a frame out and putting the sonogram picture in it after I write on the glass in washable pink marker saying 'Its a girl.' And put it on my desk.

I heard the door open and saw Cole along with Drew's mom. I smiled at them as they said hi. "How's the baby?" Drew's mom said. "She's fine and healthy." I said looking at her. From these past couple of months I've had speech therapy. "Its a girl." Cole said walking to me. I nodded to him. "We have to tell the pack." Drew's mom or Anna said. "No, I rather it be not told until she's born." I said stopping her. "But, Kori does the pack even know your pregnant." She said walking to me. "Probably they see me at pack dinners and birthday parties." I said looking at her. "Yeah, well but besides that your either in your office or room hiding from the pack like the plague. Its been 5 months since you have been outside." She said. I looked at the window seeing that its dark. "I've been told that a beta female should be seen but not heard unless its the Luna or Alpha 's family or to take the Luna roll when she is absent. When she is pregnant she should be kept away unless during pack events. Even as before when I was my father's daughter I have been locked away and coming here I will still hold that presents as before. When I was death and locked away as Luna I never left my room and was never heard. Now granted freedom I will be scene but not heard." I said with seriousness in my tone. I realized how rude I sounded and quickly bowed my head.

"I am sorry Elder Anna if I came off rude." I said feeling all eyes on me. "If you think its better to tell the pack that I'm pregnant then you should." I said not looking up. I heard the door close soon after. I looked up to see Cole he looked at me with an emotion I never seen before. "Are you okay Kori? Like are you hungry or tired." He said walking to me. "No, um I am fine I just finished this paperwork for the alpha before you came in. I think it would be good if we both go. You don't have to I can by myself. You don't have to.." I said as he cut me off. "We can go together there nothing wrong." He said lifting me from my seat. I nodded as he put my slippers on.

We headed out of the office thought the library and down the hall. We stopped at Cole office as he put one of the sonograms in a frame on his desk. Our offices are not together cause I don't want him to get distracted by me and only the alpha and Luna should have their offices together. Cole wanted our offices together and the alpha approved but I said no. When he was finished we walked next door and knocked. The was a come in from both Luna and Alpha. "Oh I have the um papers you asked from Alpha Michael." I said walking to his desk not looking at him. "Oh, I just gave these to you that was fast. Thank you Kori." He said to me. "There no need of a thank you alpha I am just doing my job." I said as I walked towards the door. "Oh, Kori. I've heard that your pregnant. Congratulations, me and the other pack women thought it would nice to have a baby shower for you." Luna said. "Oh, there no need Luna Shelly. That's to much from you." I said walking to Cole. "Kori you know you can just call us by are names." Alpha said. I turned to him. "Not where I come from." I said taking Cole's outstretched hand.

"You ready to go to bed now." Cole asked. I nodded my head. He said his goodnights and we went to our room. "Cole can you take a bath with me?" I asked him. "Sure let me get our clothes ready. You can start the bath." He said walking to the closest. I put bath soup and beads and ran the water. He came in and we both got undressed. He got in first then I did. "Cole when will you mark me?" I asked as I put my hands on top of his. "After the baby is born so your hormones don't get all crazy." He said interlacing our hands. "Okay." We sat there with him rubbing my bump and washing up and we finally got out. We dried of and walked in the room I saw a giant stuff teddy bear with a ring box. I turned to Cole as he was on one knee. "Kori, will you marry me." I nodded my head smiling. He walked to the bear and slipped the ring on. "And this is for my soon to be princess." I giggled and kissed him. "Your ready to go to bed future Mrs.Ali." He asked moving the bear to a chair I nodded as we laid down in his embrace and turned off the lights. I think I am finally happy.

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