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We're finally here!

Ok so here's the thing. When you make your request. It'll take some time for me to publish it because I'm a busy person, and as you know I also have to update the other books, but I try to find time to please my fans even if I'm free for two minutes.

I just love you for the support your giving and being here for this book until now. You probably don't know how much its means to me, but it means more than a lot. . .if that's possible.

OK. . .

There can only be one request at a time. Please don't make any request if you realize that someone else had and it isn't published. I don't want too many request to think about at once, Wait until that person request had been updated before you make your request, and before someone else beat you to it.

I'm going to dedicate your request to you, but if my computer isn't working, I'll just type it in the end of your chapter. Fair enough?

Remember to hold, to highlight the requirements and select the comment/message icon to sign up. I prefer it that way please. DON'T just select comment and type it in. If you don't understand what I'm talking about just message me and I'll explain it to you.

So here are the requirements. There aren't much.

Fill the form below.

Give a title for your chapter:

The name of the character you wanna be:

Hair colour:

Eye colour:


Be specific about what you want to occur:

Where do you want it to occur:

Fill the ones that are suitable to your request.

If there isn't complete specifications, I'll just put in what I think suits it.

Just to let you know. If you wanna request something naughty don't be afraid to.

As more requirements comes to mind, I'll add them.

Step Daddy No RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now