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Dedicated to indrajaindu

"We're actually in college". Monique said in disbelief looking around the place as we ate in the cafeteria.

"Its been a year now and your still saying the same thing". She look at me nonchalantly.

"As if you thought we'd made it this far".

"Of course I did". I bit my chicken looking away from her. I can feel her eyes piercing through me, so I look back at her because it feels uncomfortable.

"Ok so I didn't, but you kept saying the same thing over and over. We are here and that's what matters now".

"Yeah yeah, I'll say it as much as I want". I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly my ringtone went off.

"Oh great". I said after I realised its mom.

"Your mom again?" I nod.

"See? I'm not the only one who's still excited".

"Shut up".

I pressed the answer button.

"Hey mommy".

"Hi sweetie how are you doing?" I sigh.

"Fine mom as usual".

"I know that I'm a pest sometimes but I just want to know if your ok".

"Yes mom I'm ok".

"I don't like your tone. Are you tired of me?"

"Mom its not-"

"Well sorry to bother you, but its just that. . .". Is she going to cry?

"Your growing up so fast and soon you'll get married, have kids. You won't be around anymore". She's worried about that, but that doesn't say she won't see me again.

"Mom nothing or no one can make me leave you ok? Your here for me all my life and I'm gonna he there for you. Until death do us part ok?" She sniff.

"Ok honey, well I'm gonna hang up now bye". I look at the phone after she hung up. Weird.

"Did you just got married to your mother?" Monique joked. I laugh.

"I think so. It's alright, she's just worried that-".

"You won't be around anymore after you got married, blah blah blah?"

"Yeah did your mom said that to you too?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah this morning actually".

The both of us giggle.

I look at my watch. My eyes widen.

"Sh*t its time for me to get to class".

"Yeah me too". The both of us got up, took up our books and throw what's left of our lunch in the trash bin.

"See you later. I love those heels by the way, they make you look incredibly sexy".

"Thanks. Where are you going?"

"Class". She smirked walking off. Monique doesn't have a class right. . . she's gonna see that guy again. I hope she knows that book comes first.

I turn around.

No no no!

All my papers are now scattered on the floor.

"Let me help you". A not so familiar voice said, but I didn't look up because I'm too busy taking up my papers and if I don't get to class soon I'm gonna miss some of my lectures and I don't want that. Oh god.

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