Chapter 2

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* Audree's pov*

School has been hell ever since me and Harry walked through the front door. Everyone has been looking at me weirdly, and I have no idea why. I look over at Harry and he seems concentrated on everyone. I hear someone yell "SLUT!" and a lot of people laugh, I look down knowing that they are talking about me, but I don't know how I could be a slut in any way. Harry was only my second boyfriend, I get pulled a little where Harry stops right in front of the group of guys who were laughing at me. "What did you say to my girlfriend?" Harry says seriously, "I called her a slut." the random jock said. Right then and there Harry gave the biggest punch right towards the jock who I'm sure is called Jack? Jake? Anyways, and the punch goes straight to his jaw. I pull Harry backwards and Jake falls to the ground clutching his jaw, screaming about the pain. I turn around to look at Harry..

*Harry's pov* 

I didn't even know what I was going to do, I was just about to tell him to knock it off and my fist just took control I ended up just punching him right in the jaw. I turn to look at Audree, "Wanna skip today?" she nods. We just start walking outside from the back door then we won't get caught in the drama that is going on. In a couple of days it's gonna be my birthday and my mum said If I wanted to, I could try out for the x-factor. Audree knows this and it's been my dream ever since, I was little and watching it myself. Audree said she'll be there to support me no matter what, and I'm very thankful for that, her and my family is all I actually need in my life. "Could I go to your house?" Audree says really low, "Sure" i smile and she smiles back. 

~~~~At the house~~~

"Are you hungry?" I ask Audree, she nods a little. I go to the kitchen and get us some ice cream, cookies and cream, very very good. I laugh to myself and grab two spoons. I go into the living room with Audree, "I picked a movie, I put The Purge into the dvd player. If that's okay.." she says. I nod and smile. Me and Audree starts digging into the new tub of ice cream, which is very good by the way. I'm actually really excited for my birthday. 

For the rest of the day we just watch movies all day and eat junk food. It's basically the best day ever. Audree ended up falling asleep on the couch and she's adorable when she sleeps. So I decided to go to sleep too. I get woken up by my mum when she opens then closes the door. 

"I should get going, my mum is probably wondering where I am. " Audree says, I nod. Her cell phone ends up ringing and i see it flashes on the screen << MUM >> "She's calling, um. Harry will you walk me outside and wait with me?" I nod and smile. We walk over to the door and we go out, she answers her phone, all I hear from the conversation is << Yes, mum i know. I'm sorry. I wasn't feeling well >> 

She probably got into trouble when she skipped school and came over without telling her mum. 

Skipping school was kinda the fault of the people at school, but it was my idea to skip. But I'm guessing Audree doesn't mind.  She gets off the phone and says "Mum, is on her way to pick me up" 

"Oh, alright" smooth.

"So i was like wondering, what time are you leaving to go audition on your birthday?" she says looking at the ground and playing with some rocks with her shoes.

"Uhh, around the 12:00? maybe? I'm not sure. But you're gonna be there right?" I really hope she's there, I'm pretty sure she is my good luck charm when it comes to this kind of stuff. 

"Yes! Of course, I'll be there! I wouldn't miss it for anything!" she says with a big smile. Oh thank god. Her mum pulls in the drive way and waves and smiles at me, " Hi Harry!!" I wave with a big smile on my face. Her mum is usually nice, sometimes moody, but still nice. 

 Audree quickly kisses me on the lips and we kiss for a bit of time. Like basically make-out in front of her mum!! Her mum ends up blowing the horn, She pulls back and we laugh, "Bye" I say, "See you tomorrow boo!" Audree waves! I can tell shes blushing, that was quite awkward and embarrasing. haha. 

 I go back into the house, lock the door and run upstairs and get ready for bed. I go over to my calender and mark off a day..

Only 3 more days left.. 

then I can finally do something i've always wanted to do. It's gonna be amazing. 


HIIIIII, YOU LITTLE CUTIE CUPCAKES!! :D Ohkay, so I don't know who is reading and I'm so sorry that it takes FOREVERRR to get a chapter up! When I read stories, I always get mad when someone doesn't update. So I should update more, I was basically in the mood to write like at the moment, So i'll make a kinda short chapter next, so it's almost like a filler and sums it up more, im guessing? haha, I'm gonna forward it a bit soon, because It's just kinda boring and I want it to be interesting. And I also did start a trailer that I will finish soon. Probably after im done with my sum it up/ filler chapter! :) so I love you all and thank you for reading my story so far and keeping patient :)

~ Bethy the little muffin! <3 


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