Chapter 4: WORK?! ON THE WEEKEND?!

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Amilas POV
I woke up to the sound of Big Brother yelling. "Wake up Amila! You can't stay in bed forever!" As he was pounding on my door. Today I will accompany Sebastian and Ciel to a case. If you're wondering, I actually am a demon. I just don't use my powers unless needed to. "Ciel wake uuuupppppp!" I groan. He's up in an instant. Wow, I forgot he was a light sleeper. "Sebastian!" In a mili-second Big Brother is here. I then rush out of the room so Ciel can get dressed by him. I swear I heard a moan, but excused it as a form of tiredness. I change my hair color so it is black and so are my eyes. I then change my eyes to a piercing purple. And not the sweet and innocent kind Tamaki has. I go to my room and get changed into dark blue jeans, a black long sleeve, and my Nike shoes. I'm already out the door when Big brother and Ciel arrive. As we are walking we can see police cars leading to our destination. We had to solve a murder case that involved a kidnapping. As we are walking past the police tape we are stopped. "Sorry, we can't let kids in here." A police officer says. "I have seen many things in my life. And this to me is nothing." I say as I look and glare. My voice is down 3 octaves. A look of fear is on his face as he lets me in. We are handed a picture of the girl, her age, and when she was last seen. She was last seen in an indoor parking lot. I tell Big Brother that it's my turn and go off to find her. I am a cat at the time and as I'm running I track a scent of a teenage girl. I use my hearing and hear that she is screaming to be let free. I get there ASAP. Only to see Grell standing in front of her with scissors in hand. I turn into my Neko form and push him to the side. I use my katana to cut the girl free. "Well, look what we have here. We haven't properly met have we?" He says. "Oh we have! You just don't remember!" I laugh. The girl collapses in my arms. I change my age and now I am 16 with the same look as I have now. He screams and throws his scissors."Please don't hurt me!" He pleads. "No can do!" I respond. I use my powers to signal Sebastian here. I'm guessing Ciel is with Finny and Big Sister. I have Sebastian take the girl while I have fun. I walk over to Grell with my katana in hand. I first slice his hair. "Red is not your color." I tell him."You don't deserve this!"I yell as I slice off his coat. "This!" His tie."Or that!" His gloves. "And this!" I laugh as I slice his arm off with blood gushing out. I laugh insanely as I watch him be taken away and 'hopefully' not die. I go to Big Brother in my neko form. He was watching the show from afar. The only reason I can change my age is because I have been alive for over 200 years. He's smiling as he says."Red suits you" "you think?"

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