Chapter 5: I HATE YOU!

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Amilas POV
"No" "Why?!" "No" "I hate you!"
I run to my room crying. Big Brother has just taken away Kyle. I lock my door and head into the bathroom where I proceed crying. Sadness is then turned to anger. How dare he take Kyle. I barely see Big Brother anymore, the servants are always at work so I can't bother them, and no way am I able to talk to Ciel. The only person who truly understood me was Kyle. Sebastian knows that too. So, I pack my stuff and head off. The only other people I can talk too are the triplets.
-Time Skip-
I am now in front of the Trancy manor. I ring the doorbell to come face to face with Claud. "C-Can I come in?" I ask. He nods and let's me I'm. "Claud who is a--- Amila! What are you doing here?" Alois asks me. "Where's Canterbury?" I ask. "Triplets!" Alois calls. They are here in an instant. They then see me on the verge of tears. Canterbury rushes over to me worriedly. "What happened." He ask. I break down as I fall into his arms. "Shhhh....Now, What.Happened?" He ask me, his tone demanding an answer. "K--yl-e" I manage to say in between tears. He doesn't see Kyle and ask. "{Where is he?}" "{Sebastian took him.}" He was surprised I didn't use the word Big Brother. He saw my suitcase and looked at Alois. "We can keep her." Alois tells him. "On one condition!" He then yells. "The triplets are no fun so you, have to play games with me whenever I say!" He says pointing at me. I smile, knowing that these people are not so bad.

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