Chapter 6: Damn you Kyle!

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Sebastian's POV
Where is she?! I thought. I haven't seen her since yesterday. I have a feeling she ran away, but I'm not sure. I look at the teddy bear in my hands. "This is all your fault!" Ciel yells at me. "What?" I ask. How could this be my fault. "It's just a teddy bear my lord." I tell him. "That teddy bear was the only thing she had left! She even told me! You are never there with her, the servants are always working, and I'm always in my study! That blasted teddy bear was all she had! And you now realize she's gone! You should have at least apologized! And now she's missing! And it's all.your.fault!" He screamed at me. I am gone all the time.....the servants are working more now...Ciel is always..... It is my fault. I look towards Ciel to see he's already running outside with Pluto. I follow them while searching for any sign of her.
Amila's POV
"9.10! Ready or not here I come!" I yell. Me and Alois are playing hide and seek. And I have to admit he is one good hider. I look in the cabinets, no. The kitchen? No. Living room? Nope! Hmmmm. Oh! Under the bed! "Oh Alois where are you~~~" I hear his giggle under the bed I look under there. "Found you!" I giggle. He laughs with me. Suddenly he gets out from under the bed and picks me up. I get a little tired but I'm able to stay awake. Alois takes notice and puts me in bed with him. "I was about to take a nap anyways." He tells me kissing my fore head goodnight. I signal Claud here incase Sebastian comes. Claude is now in the shadows of the room watching protectively. With that I fall into sleep.
Sebastian's POV
We are standing in front of the Trancy manor staring in disbelief. Pluto then howls. Nope. She's here alright. "You don't think." Ciel asks."I'm afraid so." I responded.
Amilas POV
          I get awoken by a howl. I see Alois is awake too. "What was that?"He ask. He then realized what it is and holds me close. Amila! Kyle! Sebastian is here. He breaks through the window and stares at me. "Amila...." He says. I jump out of Alois's arms grab Kyle and hide behind Claude. Sebastian looks shocked and hurt. I then jump back into Alois's arms on the verge of tears again. The triplets come in quickly. Tompson shields me and Alois from Sebastian Canterbury sits with us and hides Kyle with his arm. And Timber has a knife ready to attack. "Amila! Come back!" I hear Ciel yell. I suddenly faint. When I wake up in another world. One with grass and a forest like setting. "Hello Amila." I hear a voice say. "Now. You have two options. Either train with me. Or go back with Sebastian. You can say your answer whenever you'd like. Your deadline is next week." She tells me. "Wait I didn't get your--" I was cut off by being shaken awake. I look to see Sebastian carrying me. "No!" I shout as I jump out of his arms and am back in the Trancy manor. "How did I?" I ask myself as I then feel something around my neck. It's a necklace...a black necklace.....Wait! This is the girls necklace in my dream\vision! I think this is a sign

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