Chapter 7: New master?

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Amilas POV
I look at my arm to see the Devils Star is gone from it. Does that mean he broke the....probably. I sigh as I walk back to Alois. I look up at him staring with my eyes holding no emotion. I show him my arm and he looks confused. "Contract..." I sigh. He then realizes what I meant and grins. "How would you like for me." He asks. I nod unemotionally.
                    -Time skip-
   "Wow..."I gasp. I had the demon star because of Sebastian, but now. I have my own. It's two crossed katanas in a circle and the marking is red. Alo-- I mean actually....what do I call him. "Um excuse me...Alois...what would you like me to call you?"I ask him."Alois is fine." He responds. I nod happily and go to the triplets. I walk next to their door and meet up with Canterbury. "Do you...hear that?" I ask. "I wish I didn't." "Do you really think?" "Probably." We both heard moans coming from the triplets room. I slowly opened the door to see Thompson and Timber "There's a kid in the room!" Canterbury yells. They turn to look at us exiting out of the nonsense on their computer screen. "Oh really?" I ask and turn into a 16 year old. "What..."They all gasped. I giggle and start jumping on Thompson's bed. "HEY! That's mine!" He yells. His pillows are on the floor and his blankets are wrinkled. "Ha!Ha!" I laugh and blow a raspberry."That's it!" He yells and starts to chase me around the room. I jump out the window and run into the forest. He grins and starts to chase me, with Canterbury and Timber following. I turn into cat form and sit. They enter said forest and stare at me. "Don't...move..." Canterbury whispers. He grins and yells."MEOW! I MEAN NOW!" I
meow\yelp and sprint away as fast as I could. I jump back into the room and hide under the bed. They come in 10 minutes later. Weird , I only see two of them. Crap...I yelp as I gets snatched from under the bed. I am then carried in Thompson's arms. I go back into my human form as a 15 year old as I then yell at him to put me down. He doesn't listen as he throws me over the railing. I don't make a move to protect myself as his eyes widen. I look down and take notice that Claude was setting up the table for dinner. He looks up and sees me falling. He rushes and catches me mid-fall. "Thank you." I tell him as I am put down. He nods and glares at Thompson. I giggle and start to set up the table myself. Claude then says. "It's fine, I can set it up. Nothing I can't handle" I shake my head as I'm already done. "I'll....get the food then...." He tells me as he goes to kitchen. I decide to mess with him and put it on the table. He comes back angry that the food wasn't in the kitchen. "Whoever--- Amila? Fine then I'll go get Master then...." He huffs as he goes to Alois room. I start walking upstairs as Alois then gives me an order. "While Claude is trying to catch Ciel, you have to protect me during dinner." I nod as I get ready.
                       ~Time skip~
I am in my maid uniform standing beside Alois as he starts to eat. I look over at the man across from him. I take notice that he has a gun."You came here to discuss something with me, did you not?" Aloud asks the man. "O-Oh. Yes I did. I came here to ask for some papers..,."He says. "What kind of papers?" "Land Transfer..." Alois then started to get annoyed. "I don't remember agreeing to give you these papers before hand.." "Well you did. Now hand them over brat." The man said taking hold of his gun. "No. I will not!" Yelled Alois getting up slamming his hands down on the table. "Big mistake," He pulled out his gun and fired. I however took hold of the bullet and sliced his gun in half. "Tsk Tsk. It's not considered polite shooting some one in their own home....Where are your manors? Now....what would you like me to do with him?" I ask Alois. "Get rid of him! I do not want to see him in my mansion ever again!" He ordered. "Very well then." I agree. I slowly walk toward him. "W-What are y-you doing!? Stay b-back!" He stuttered
~Time skip~
I was walking to my room when I hear Alois call me. "Yes?" I ask walking into his room. "Change me. Claude isn't back yet so it's your job to change me." He says. I grab his nightclothes and start to unbutton his shirt. After his shirt is off I put a shirt on him that looks a little too big. "Do you normally sleep in a shirt this big?" I ask. He nods. He smiles and unbuttons two of the buttons. I re button them again. He unbuttons them once more. I sigh. "Do you sleep with pants on or no?" I ask again. He shakes his head. Okay..... I take off his pants and re button his shirt. I throw the clothes in a hamper and tuck Alois in. I'm about to walk out when Alois pulls me into the bed. "Stay...." He mumbles and falls asleep. I sigh and turn around so I'm facing him. I slowly fall asleep, ready to answer the girl in my dream.

Wow that was a lot of work  1,000 words! Sorry for not updating. I was grounded. So I only had little time with my phone. I will try to post more often. Please forgive me! We'll see ya later! *runs*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2016 ⏰

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