Chapter 40: Things That Matter

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Chapter 40: Things That Matter

James hardly noticed the weeks passing after the Quidditch Cup as he tried to come to some sort of decision about his future. But he couldn't decide if he wanted to pursue something he'd always thought he wanted or lead the no doubt more difficult (not to mention shorter) life of an Auror. He'd been quite apprehensive about telling his friends, especially Sirius, about the offer, and Sirius' uncharacteristic standoffishness when James told him the news confirmed his suspicions. Sirius was jealous, and that only made the choice all the more difficult.

But James didn't have a great deal of time to concentrate on his dilemma. NEWTs were now only a week away and they of course had to come first, as he didn't have to make his decision until they were over.

Dorcas had been unexpectedly subdued as well when her initial excitement was over. Lily was a bit worried about her, in fact, and intended to ask Dorcas about it next time she caught her alone. That time came three days before the first NEWT exam when Lily was in the library. She found Dorcas sitting in a back corner, alone in spite of the crowd doing last minute studying.

"All right, Dorcas?" Lily asked, sitting down beside her on the stone floor.

"I guess," Dorcas replied, looking anything but all right.

"What's wrong?" Lily asked. "You seem a bit off."

Dorcas sighed before answering. "I want to play Quidditch - I do - but somehow it just doesn't feel right."

"What do you mean exactly?" Lily wanted to know.

"I mean I thought it'd feel loads better to get what I wanted than it actually does."

"Oh," Lily paused, considering. "Are you sure that playing Quidditch is what you want?" she asked shrewdly after studying Dorcas for a moment.

Dorcas hesitated, fidgeting. "I thought it was when they made the offer. I'd never considered playing Quidditch professionally, not really. I mean, who knew I was good enough? But now that I've had time to think, there's something else I want as well." 

"And what's that?" Lily inquired.

"Well," Dorcas shifted uneasily and looked down at her hands before continuing. "My mum and dad always wanted me to be one, and I always expected to, to make them happy, you know - but, well, now that I've actually thought about it seriously - I think I want to become an Auror."

"An Auror?" Lily crinkled her brow momentarily, then smiled. "Well, I can't say it doesn't sound perfect for you."

"You think?" Dorcas smiled shyly.

"Yes, I do think," Lily answered firmly. "Of course, any Ministry job's a challenge, especially that one, but I'd say if anyone could be an Auror, it'd be you. What made you change your mind about Quidditch?"

"Well," Dorcas frowned thoughtfully, searching for words. "All that business with Bellatrix last year, for one - "Dorcas broke off as she and Lily heard the thud of a falling book nearby. Both girls glanced round but didn't see anything unusual.

"You were saying?" Lily prompted a bit uncomfortably.

"Right," Dorcas seemed uncomfortable as well. "So the incident with Bellatrix for one thing, and then I thought about things like all of the attacks, and how little the Ministry can actually do to prevent them, and great wizards like Dumbledore and what would've happened if he hadn't become a professor and Wizengamot member and had just gone off to become a - a professional Gobstones player or something....... Well, it all just makes you remember what's important, doesn't it?"

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