Day 2

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Dlives POV:
"Good morning." I wave to my investigator Dave.
"Good morning, sir." He replies. "How was your night?"
"It was good, I hope-"
I was cut off by one of my town members running in.
"Bryce what is it?"
He huffs out of breath "There...was..a murder."
"What!? How can that be nothing bad ever happens in this town." Dave says obviously  scared.
"Slow down Bryce, tell me what happened."
He catches his breath. " Mark was found dead in his home. Felix found him."
"Okay, Dave come with me we need to get this straightened out before the town goes wild making rumors up about how Mark died."
Dave nods his head in agreement to me.
"Okay let's go." I say beginning the walk to marks house.
There's a small crowd in front of his house.
"Okay, everybody please step back I'm going to have Dave," I yell to my town members putting a hand on saves shoulder, "look at what happened and we will inform you when we get any information."
The crowd slowly diminishes leaving only one man, I believe his name is jack, they must have been close friends.
"Dlive, can you come here for a second?"I hear Dave call.
"Yea, what is it?" I walk into the house to find Dave crouching examining the body of the man who was my Sheriff.
"I can tell you one thing for certain, he was killed by a knife though the heart; the thing is that there's something I don't understand."
"What's that?" I ask.
"Well he has these two scars on his neck, and I can't quite place what caused them. They look like punter wounds but I don't know what could have made them."
"Well, for now I think we're fine with knowing what killed him for now."
"Yea, that's good." There was a pause before he spoke again. "Dlive."
"I've been talking to some of the members of the towns around us and there are rumors going around saying that there is a serial killer traveling town to town killing everyone in that particular town."
"Why are you telling me this? Its probably not him, that did this."
"Well, the weapon that seems to have been used here matches the descriptions that I've heard from survivors of the killers."
"Okay. Do we tell the town about this?"
"We need to do something at least if they know then they'll be prepared the best they can be."
"But what if it creates mass hysteria?"
"What if we don't tell anyone and people continue getting killed?"
"You're right, we need to tell the town."
I called an emergency town meeting that would be held in the center of the town.
Everyone gathered around me and Dave as we stood atop a stage with gallows and a podium, hushed words could be heard faintly throughout.
"Please, quiet down." I ask. "As most of you know Mark died last night. But that's not all, Dave found out what happened to Mark, and we believe he was killed by... A serial killer." A gasp spread the crowd. "We can't confirm this is the truth but to our current knowledge it's our best bet."
"Many of you have attributes and "hobbies" that can help us catch the man or woman who did this, so please be on high alert until we can find out who did this. As of today will have a curfew, when the sunsets everyone will go to there respective homes, anyone caught out side will immediately be put on trial. Does everyone understand?"
I explain and everyone nods in agreement. "Good now please continue on with your normal business.

Minx's POV:
Krism, Ohm, and I go back to my house
To discuss the events of last night as well as this morning.
"What is happening?" Ohm asks.
"I don't know, but I might know who the serial killer is." Krism says.
"How do know?" I ask.
"Last night when I went to chilled's house I found it impossible to get into. That's why he's still alive. I couldn't find any way of getting into his house. There are only a few people who keep there house that secure, serial killers, godfathers, like minx, and executioners,as they're known,  being the most common."
"How do we know he's not an executioner then?" Ohm asks.
"We don't but there's more evidence that he's the killer." I answer and krism nods in agreement.
"So what do we do with this information."
"For now we keep it to ourselves. If we feel threatened by him we tell the town but until then we stay silent. Got it?" They both nod in agreement.
"Great, now we will discuss who tonight's target is later."

Entoan's POV:
Oh my god, there's a serial killer in our town?! I need to find him as soon as possible. I walk around town until I run into Dlive.
"Dlive. Hey are you sure, that is was a serial killer that caused Marks death?"
" According to Dave it's the only reasonable answer to his death right now." He answers. "And I'm glad I ran into you, from now on I want you to start hauling people off to jail at night. While in there you can interrogate them, and report to me who seems suspicious."
"Okay, who should I jail tonight?"
"Talk to Dave, he can tell you who seems the most suspicious in the mornings, but for tonight jail me. At least while I'm in jail I can be protected. I know that sounds selfish but it's in the best interest of the town to keep there mayor alive."
"Yea, that's the best option until we get evidence against Someone."

Ze's POV:
So there's a serial killer, and at least on vampire in the town great even more to deal with.
"So, what's everybody up to tonight? Personally I'm thinking of just staying home with this whole serial killer thing." Galm says walking up talking with some of his neighbors and I assume friends of some sort.
"Well the town only has what three doctors at most, I have to go and help the best I can." Chilled replies.
"Yea I'm with Galm in this one, I'm probably going to stay home tonight."responds smarty.
I've got to lie and say I'm staying home, they'll think I'm crazy if say I'm going to be out hunting vampires.
"Same here I'm not risking going on trial as an innocent man." I say.
"Really guys, I'm going to be the only one out tonight other than Felix."
"Apparently. Sorry man."

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