Night 2

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Night 2

Jacks POV:

"Stupid serial killer"

'I guess I'm going to go spend my night with the town escort'

i go get changed into some sort or decent looking clothing and head out into the streets. i eventually see them, i can tell its them because of the poker face.


"HI. Are you looking for my services?"

"You caught me."

"Okay, follow me" i do as I'm told and follow the shorter man i think.

'Looks like I'm going to have a fun night'

Krism's POV:

"Minx was taken to jailed for the night." I tell ohm

"Okay" He replies

"Who's going to be framed?"

"That Galm guy. Hes close to you guys and will be blamed easier."

"Okay, I'll kill Dave hes the towns investigator. we cant have him running around."

"Alrighty then."

Ohm heads out and i do the same each of us heading to the homes of our targets.

I walk around to the back of Dave's house and pick the lock letting myself in. There's no one inside that i hear, so i'll hide myself until Dave gets back.

Hours after i get inside i hear a creak from a door and footsteps leading into the kitchen where i came from originally. I step out of the small closet i was in and sneak up behind the man standing in the room, pull my gun out, put it to his back, and pull the trigger. he falls to the ground and barely moves, only twitching slightly. he should bleed out soon.

i leave without another thought

Chilled's POV:

"Oh This is too much fun"

"Shut up, nobody asked you!"

"Don't talk to me like that."

"I will talk to you how I want to talk to you."

"Are we going to do this all night or are we going to kill someone?"

"I don't want to kill anyone i want to stay in and watch a movie"

"Why must you do this?"


"Fine we'll watch a movie."


"But first we kill that Galm guy. it wont take too long."

"Oh, but i like Galm... I'm gonna have fun watching him bleed."

" 'At a boy."

I grab my knife and begin my walk to the fellow Anthony's home. This will be fun.

Dave's POV:

'Okay, i need to start investigating these people, see who's okay and who's not. I'll start with Ohm.'

-time skip brought to you by not knowing what to write-

'So he's good with documents. that doesn't help me the most but it does narrow it down.'

I walk inside and sit my things on the kitchen table taking a deep breath and letting it out. Before i can do anything else i hear a loud boom and i feel a sharp pain in my back, before i collapse onto the ground and i see someone walk out of house. everything begins to fade into darkness.

"DAVE!?!" I hear a voice that's somewhat familiar to me.

A/N: hey guys sorry about the wait and just to show you how much i love you guys i give you a cliff hanger. :) anyway i will hopefully have a new chapter out in the next week i want to get a schedule up and likely this story will be updated every Friday and maybe once before it will depend.anyway thank you guys for reading and please if you enjoyed maybe leave a vote and comment?

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