Day 3

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"Another one of my town members dead to that serial killer, and then my investigator was attacked by someone last night." I let out a sigh. "This can't continue going on. Im going to go tell them that we need to go find these killers. Like thatisnt obvious."

I step out into the center of the town. "ATTENTION EVERYONE!" I call. "We must find the people who have been killing our town members. This is obvious, I know. But I- WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ANYTHING YOU HAVE. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY INFORMATION THAT COULD BE USEFUL IN AIDING THIS INVESTIGATION?"

"I believe my house was doused in gasoline last night." Ze says.

"So there an arsonist amonst us as well. I see. Do you have any idea who it could be?" I ask.

"Not a clue."

"Okay, does anyone else have anything."

"I fel like Smary has somthing hes not telling the rest of us." Minx says

"Smarty?" I ask.

"I'm not hiding anything. I'm a bodyguard. I protect people at the right price."

"Can anyone confirm this? Has anyone paid him to protect you since he has gotten here?"

No one answers. "Okay, Time for a public vote, Seven votes are need to send someone to the barricks. If you would like to vote Smary please raise your hand." Almost everyone raises their hand, the only ones not being Chilled, Ze. and of course Smarty. "Smarty, please come up and make your case."

He does as I say and walks up to the podium. Tears in his eyes. "Guys im a bodyguard.please dont kill me."

"it's time. innocent voters please raise your hands." I state. Chilled and Ze are the only two that raise their hands. "Guilty voters."Everyone else raises their hands in response.

"I'm sorry Smarty." I place the noose around his neck. "Any last words."

At first hes silent but he soon speaks a single word.


With that I pull the lever that relases him from the wood pannels and he dies almost instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2016 ⏰

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