Never Have I Ever...

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Really sorry for not posting in like 2 weeks but I've got exams this year so I literally have no time on my hands to come up with ideas but if you could send me requests that would be awesome. Anyway, this one includes Sam, Wanda, Nat, Clint, Tony, Thor, Steve, Bucky and Bruce but it mainly features Steve, Bucky and Tony. Lastly, don't hate me for mistakes as this is unedited and I have no clue if there are mistakes.

"Right kids! Let's play Never have I ever!" Tony claps his hands as he walks over to the group of avengers lying around the lounge area. "First of all, I'm older than you but like 60 years, and I've never heard of this game before" says a metal armed super solider who is hanging inside down from the sofa. "I second both of those statements." The other super solider says from his spot on the sofa next to his best friend.

"We'll explain it to you guys then, the rest of us are playing" Nat says looking around at the rest of the group who nod in agreement.

After the rules are explained to Steve, Bucky and Thor(who didn't know how to play either) they sit in a circle with filled shot glasses, some with asgardian alcohol for Thor and the two super soldiers. "I'll start" Clint says, "Never have I ever drank asgardian alcohol" Tony, Thor, Steve and Bucky take a shot. Nat sends a questionable look to Tony who whispers, "never again" The others just laugh. "Never have I ever been to a club with Tony" states Sam and everyone but Wanda, Thor and obviously Sam takes a shot.

The game continues on until Tony, Clint, Nat and Sam are drunk. Bucky, Bruce and Thor are slightly tipsy too. "Myyyy Turnnnnnn" Tony slurs, he started to sober up earlier but is pretending to be drunk. "Never have I ever had sex with a man" Nat, Wanda, Bucky and Steve take a shot each. Bucky and Steve lock eyes as they take their shots but this goes unnoticed by everyone apart from Wanda and Tony. Tony gasps and Wanda's eyes widen as they make the connection, "Right everyone I think that's enough for tonight" Wanda announces and the sober avengers help the drunk ones to their rooms.

~ Time Skip ~

Tony heads out to the balcony on that level of the tower where he saw Steve head earlier. The way that Steve and Bucky immediately took those shots after that question had plagued his mind since they ended the game.

Steve hears steps from behind him but doesn't turn around until the person reaches him. "Barnes huh?" Tony places his hands against the railing looking over the city and mirroring Steve's stance. "You're sober now?" Steve replies calmly. "Was sober for the last half of that game. Don't change the subject Rogers" Tony looks at him, "How come you never told us you were gay? 'S not like we'd through you out or somethin', this ain't the 1940's anymore Steve." Steve just chuckles lightly, "We kinda wanted to see if anyone would notice or ask us about our 'non existent' love lives. We also weren't sure how you guys would react and lastly, everything about our lives is known to everyone. We just wanted to have a secret for the first time in 70 years." Tony sighs "I see your point. You okay with me telling the others?"

"Nah I wanna see if they can work it out themselves." Tony turns and starts walking towards the door before stopping, turning back to Steve and saying, "Goodnight Steve, tell Barnes he's a lucky man" Steve's laughs as he's faces the other man, "Will do, goodnight Tony."

5 minutes past until he hears the door open again and another set of footsteps make their way towards him. He stares out at the city as a pair of arms wrap around his waist and light kisses are placed on his neck. "Hey baby, where've you been?" Steve asks his boyfriend. Steve turns round in Bucky's arms and places his head against the slightly smaller mans forehead. " Talkin' to mini stark" Bucky mumbles closing his eyes and pressing his lips to Steve. Steve pulls away and asks, "What about?" He stares into Bucky's eyes and sees love and admiration. "Not important right now" Bucky pulls Steve's head down and reconnects their lips, their lips moving in perfect sync with Bucky's arms wrapped around Steve's neck and Steve's hands on Bucky's hips. They part again for breath, just enough time for Bucky to mutter "I love you" to the other super solider who instantly replies with "I love you too Buck" Steve lifts Bucky off the ground and the brunet wraps his legs around Steve's waist as they continue to kiss.

Tony watched the events unfold as Bucky walked out to Steve on the balcony and witnessed the love the pair had for each other. As it started to get more intimate, he walked off to his room glad that they had found each other again.

Hope you guys liked this and I will try and post as quickly as I can. I also might do a short part 2 of this if you guys wanted?

Stucky? Stucky.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن