Keep It in Your Pants Rogers

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"Everyone ready? Okay let's go!" Tony clapped his hands together as he lead the others out to the mini bus waiting outside the tower. The group had decided to do things that normal friends do and today the activity was lazer tag. Tony, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Natasha, Wanda, Clint, Pietro, Maria Hill and Pepper piled into the bus and they set off to the lazer tag place.

They eventually arrived at the lazer tag place, they went in an got registered before being led off to get ready for the game and to be briefed.

They were split into two teams, Natasha, Tony, Bucky, Pepper and Pietro as the reds and Clint, Sam, Steve, Wanda and Maria as the blues. "Ready to lose birdies?" Tony and Natasha had taken to trash talking Clint and Sam. "Hope you're ready to feel the wrath of the bird bros Stark. CAW CAW MUTHERFUCKERS" The two idiots started making birds noises at Natasha and Tony who brushed them off. Maria, Pepper, Wanda and Pietro laughed at them before continuing their conversation.

The two supersoliders were stood a bit further away indulged in their own conversation. "Gosh buck I'm very excited! I ain't done anything like this before!" Bucky laughed at his boyfriends reaction, "I haven't either Stevie, it's a shame we ain't in the same team tho." Their hands were laced together as they leant against a wall waiting to start the game.

A worker came out of a room and ushered them all over for a safety briefing which consisted of them being told not to fight or run around the place like maniacs. They are eventually set off into the big room where you play the lazer tag. It's basically a very confusing maze in the dark with only some light on different parts of the maze.

~ at the red base ~

"Okay so we're gonna need someone to stay here and guard the base." Tony stops and waits for someone to volunteer for the job, "I'll do it but I will walk around for a bit as well" Natasha grumbles. "Perfect! Bucky do wanna stay in the middle around and tell Nat if you see someone from the other team?" Tony looks at Bucky cautiously. Bucky just shrugs his shoulders, "Sure." Tony sorts out the rest of the team and soon enough they are all in position and ready for battle with Maria and Tony attacking the other team and pepper walking around the maze sweeping for the other team.

~ meanwhile at the blue base ~

"Okay so speedy, Cap and I will go and attack. Wanda you guard the base and Sam you sweep. All agree?" Clint made a potential plan quickly with the help of his bird bro. They figured Bucky would be around the defence area so Steve would distract him while the others attacked as it would probably be Tony or Maria who was defending their base(ha wrong it's Nat). So basically Steve became a honeypot but he didn't complain as he could have an excuse for kissing Bucky during the game. "Oh and Steve? Keep it in your pants bro."

The battle commenced and the whole maze was silent. Steve silently creeped along a corridor trying to find his beloved Bucky. The muffled sound of voices startled him, it sounded like Pepper and Sam which confused him slightly. He became distracted and someone shot his vest disabling him for a minute. "Shit!" He scolded himself for being careless and yes, even though it was 'just a game' they were all taking it very seriously. Someone from the other team ran behind him so fast that you wouldn't be able to tell who it was but Steve could because they slapped his ass. He quickly started following the direction the 'enemy' went in.

Bucky ran as fast as he could upon hearing Steve start running behind him. His job had become very boring so he sweep the maze until he found the star spangled man, he wanted to have some fun and Tony didn't say anything about messing about with Steve. He made a wrong turn in a maze and hit a dead end. Luckily it was pitch black so Steve wouldn't see him and he hid himself against the wall. Steve turned the corner and walked down to where Bucky was not knowing he was there. He turned round to face away from Bucky and stopped for a second, enough time for Bucky to do something. He grabbed Steve's waist and pressed his lips to Steve's neck. Steve went to flip Bucky over his shoulder but Bucky stood firmly on the ground, he moved his lips from Steve's neck to his ear. "Come on Stevie, have a little fun."

Steve's breathing became heavier as Bucky continued to press light kisses to his neck. Steve eventually gave in to Bucky's teasing and turned himself round to join their lips together. Bucky pushed Steve against the wall as their tongues battled for dominance but the were soon interrupted by the voice of Tony Stark, "Bucky I swear to god if you are with Steve right now I'm sending you to Nat."
Steve was suddenly pushed away, shot again and heard a quickly sorry before Bucky was gone.

Steve didn't see Bucky for a small amount of time after this but about 5 minutes before the game ended he encountered the brunet again. He was walking around with Sam patrolling when Sam was shot in the chest by a mystery brunet. Steve took off after him immediately leaving Sam alone and disabled from the game for a small period of time. He followed Bucky for a while hoping he was being led to the red base. Bucky soon saw him following and shouted, "CODE BLACK NAT CODE BLACK-" Steve silenced him with his lips not knowing what code black was(code black means you guys are on your own Steve's here to distract me good luck). Steve shoved his gun in his pocket and backed Bucky against a wall. Bucky wrapped his arms around Steve's neck pulling the blond closer if it were possible. The 'war' around them was at full speed but they were in their own little world. Steve pulled Bucky's bottom lip between his teeth causing Bucky to gasp and open his mouth. Steve explored Bucky's mouth with his tongue making Bucky moan into the kiss. Steve grappled the back of Bucky's thighs and whispered, "Jump." to Bucky who happily wrapped his legs around Steve's waist.

After a couple of minutes they were sadly interrupted by Nat, "Code black over boys, the game has finished stop making out." Steve just sadly detached his lips from Bucky's, let him down and away from the wall. He turned around to see Natasha standing in front of them with her arms folded and a smirk on her face, "Go on lover boy, head back to your team" In which Steve hung his head and walked back to his base leaving Bucky and Nat. "Really Bucky?" She gave him that you whore look as he slumped himself against the wall. "What can I say? I just can't help myself."

Did you guys like that? If you did plz let me know in the comments so I know what to do next. Can we also just discuss the fact that this book nearly has 100 votes like wtf I'm such a shitty writer so I don't understand how this happened! Thank you guys for being awesome!!

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