The Analyzation

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Arkham asylum, the place made for the criminally insane and cuckoo folks of Gotham City. Not every person wishes to be snubbed, abused and restrained. That of the few who enjoy the extreme methods is The Joker himself. He claims to hate Arkham,even making threats and plans to take down the expired building along with the ignorant staff, he has yet to follow through. The Joker is always doing something among the lines of watching others burn as he feasts on extravagant meals, destroying anything that doesn't laugh at his pun like jokes and creating traps to ruin The Batman. 

Any psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum refuses to work with The Joker due to previous traumatizing  events. The Joker has gone as far as putting the psychiatrist in the strait-jacket & lighting the room ablaze only to sit in the psychiatrists chair and laugh, all of which is deemed impossible as the strait-jacket was on The Joker previous to the events. As the guards are put in the room, they seem just as nervous as anyone else. The only point I had gotten from this was that The Joker does not care if you carry a gun, a knife or even a grenade. Point the gun at his head, try to stab him or throw the live grenade at him, his laughter will fill your ears. He will get in your head, play a game and win every single time. Give him one opportunity to be around you & your thoughts will no longer belong to just you. 

Arkham Asylum was hiring due to lack of staff from the latest incident with The Clown Prince of Crime. Warden Quincy Sharp went to extreme measures to save the asylum, hiring unknown psychiatrists and even putting his most prized staff member Jonathan Crane on work leave so he would stay with Arkham to keep it going for the future. Of the many that Warden hired, Harleen Frances Quinzel was one. She was deemed as one of the smartest women for psychiatry in the neighboring state New Jersey and had the looks to follow. She succeeded in nearly every aspect in her life, leaving men and women in awe. Known for her previous psychiatric sessions with The Plastic Man, who claimed that Harleen changed his mindset and gave him hope. Quincy heard of Harleen's success and immediately threw in a cash offer and a phone call under the impression that she could help get The Joker on track. Of course, Harleen obliged and made plans to move to Gotham unaware of what was to follow.

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