The Run In

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*Harleen's P.O.V*

The Joker was quickly taken out of my office once the session was over. We were given short amounts of time for evals with The Joker for safety reasons. Rumors are that the few psychiatrists that stuck around for more than an hour are now patients in Arkham, apparently he has a way of getting in your head,but not mine. I sat in my office in silence attempting to understand Joker. He was one of the strangest men I have ever met. 

I began to write on the evaluation sheet 
Dr. Harleen Quinzel 
Evaluation #1 of The Joker (name unknown)
Age: unknown

Weight: 154
Hair color: green 

Eye color: green

Ethnicity : white (very very white)

Sex: male

Patient number/cell number:0801

Diagnosis: The Joker had shown me many of his tendencies in what little time we had shared together,which include: Antisocial personality disorder, Post traumatic stress disorder, Schizoaffective disorder, Bipolar disorder, OCD (death related), Borderline personality disorder & Histrionic personality disorder.

Doctor side notes: I would suggest to see The Joker 3 times a week including the days he requests my help,anytime.
I personally do not want to prescribe any medications at this point. 

I finally looked up from the paper when someone knocked on the door. An unfamiliar voice sounded "Hello Miss Quinzel! May I come in?"
I grabbed the eval paper and moved it aside "Sure thing, the door is unlocked!"

An older looking male shuffled in along with the infamous Dr.Crane. 
The older male began to speak again "I am Quincy Sharp, You can call me Warden Sharp or just Quincy! I have been in charge of Arkham Asylum for many years now! How do you like it? Do you have any questions? How was your first client?"

I could clearly tell he was trying to help me feel comfortable,basically the total opposite from Dr. Crane who was smirking right behind the over anticipating warden.

I grinned politely at Quincy "Everything is going well, It's very nice to meet ya Warden Sharp! I am relieved to have such a wonderful boss!"Avoiding the last of his questions,even I wasn't sure how it went. I was still trying to create an opinion of The Joker.

The Warden smiled "Thank You, Miss Quinzel!! Do you have any questions?"
I looked down at my desk, switching my gaze back to Crane following with a sarcastic tone "No sir, nothing Mister Crane can't help me with."
Jonathan scowled angrily along with rolling his eyes.
Quincy smiled as he looked back at the proper Crane "You can help her,will you?"

Jonathan shrugged as he continued eye contact with me "Whatever Harleen needs I can help with,of course." In an obvious sluggish tone.

Warden smiled once more before saying his goodbyes and going into the hall.
Crane approached me "Can we please get to the questions or are you just trying to waste my time? I do have things to do,as I'm assuming you do aswell."

I loudly sighed intending that I was stressed "Well there is so much to do. And I'm super hungry. Show me to the cafeteria,please?"
Crane chuckled as he waved his left hand to the door along with a light bow "As you wish,Miss Quinzel. Let's get to it."
I smiled widely "Thank ya,Sweets!" Making Crane feel awkward,which was quite easy.

We walked out into the hallway in silence. A few minutes later we arrived to doors stating "Cafeteria" above the entrance. Crane opened the door for me stating "Ladies first."

*The Joker's P.O.V*

Everyone was busy chinwagging about the new psychiatrist... Dr. what's her face. Yucko! These guys are really not my group. If they let a lady bother 'em that much they'll have no time to get The Batman! I was being force fed by one of the staff,since last time I was let out of my hug-myself jacket I chose to beat the heavens out of Penguin, and Oooh boy his nose was a lot more crooked than it had ever been!

I continued to chomp the old people cereal with disbelief that they would actually think I was old! HA! Wait, how old am I again? Anyways, I could hear Captain Boomerbutt talking about the Dr., even stating that she was a "Spunky Sheila." I refused to even comprehend what he even meant. Brute aussie has no self-respect! I can assure you her name was not Sheila! Wait a minute. He meant something else. I am off my game today. I continued to eat until I noticed there was no longer a sound of voices,even in my head! I changed my gaze from the food only to see the one and only Dr."Sheila." She was provoking almost... Sensual infact. Her innocence was unreal and her beauty was-

Without reason I felt the need to let out the most obnoxious laugh. Everyone's facial expressions changed. I watched the new Dr. put her hand over her mouth and gasp. HA! And she thought that was crazy? I forcefully slammed my head right into the table, getting oatmeal everywhere and continuing  to laugh. Of course I couldn't help but chuckle some more! I just made a fool of myself! I shouted "What? Never seen a psycho vent before?! And I thought this was an Asylum! What a joke! HA HA HA HA!"
Immediately guards stormed in meaning to harm me. 

1. I can act as if I am abused 

2. I can impress the new Dr. and take it

HA!! I can't go down without a fight! They asked the nurse beside me if she was okay. I smiled "I mean no harm gentlemen, Was just letting out some steam!"

One of the guards stared at me "Get up Joker."
I shrugged "I see no need to! I'm comfortable just where I am!" Intensely laughing afterwards.
I felt a strong grip go around my neck, almost as if one of the hooligan guards were choking me! Ouch!

I began to struggle,still fitting in a few laughs between gasps for air.

A voice echoed throughout the entire room "Get your hands off of my patient! The Warden would not be happy to find out about this. Section #173 of the Arkham rule book simply states that no patient or staff member should be involved in obstructive treatment. So I will request this politely once more, get your hands off of my patient."

The grip around my neck was quickly dropped "Yes ma'am. No need to bring The Warden into this. Just looking out for your safety."

I chuckled to myself  "Heh, My new savior."

The Corrupt Captivation of Harley Quinn & The JokerWhere stories live. Discover now