New boundaries

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Harleen stepped in the room,clearing her throat. Everyone in the room hushed, leaving the attention to the new employee. Harleen gleamed in confidence and sex appeal, the last of the two wasn't even intentional. She continued her strut,a paper in hand to where she needed to be. Right behind Harleen was the one and only Jonathan Crane, the most arrogant of them all. Harleen looked down at the paper, a question in her expression. Jonathan walked right by her, a smirk spread across his features. A voice filled the room "You can follow me Miss Quinzel, I can help you to wherever you need to be." 

Harleen's face flushed as she watched him continue his stroll, a murmur leaving her mouth along with an artificial smile. Everyone already knew that the two would butt heads,claiming dominance and leadership over the psychiatric half of the asylum.

*Harleen's P.O.V*

I entered the doors, not a nervous bone in my body. The job was mine, all I had to do was help this so called "psychotic" man. I've heard many stories of him, infact I have taken on over 30 clients with trauma caused by The Joker. I looked up from the paper, realizing that everyone was silent as if I was the outcast. I knew this place was going to be weird but I didn't expect it to be this strange. All of these people looked like wax figures. Footsteps began behind me, changing my attention. I made direct eye contact with the man I have seen on the back of the books I read at the end of my college days,Jonathan Crane,who wrote books specializing in fear exposure and the elements of the mind that no other understood. Of course I couldn't hurt his feelings by telling him I put down the first book in the first half of it, but the second book was lightly worthy. Jonathan Crane is just too caught up with himself. He said something, which I didn't quite catch. Under my breath I murmured "What. what did he say?"

I began to follow the dark haired fellow, realizing that he had some sort of O.C.D. Each step he took was precise,how his hands swayed, all of it was down to the grit perfect. Not one wrinkle in his clothing,glasses were clean and he had good breath. I wasn't quite surprised but he was actually not as awkward as I had thought. We made it to the personal offices squared off with the courtyard view. Jonathan let out a soft chuckle "I'm not here often, but Quincy insisted I be here for your first few days. I obliged in the understanding that you would mind your own business and respect me as I would you. Are we clear Miss Quinzel?"   

I leaned against the wall as I looked down at the paper in my hands "Doctor Crane, Mister Crane, whatever it is that ya wanna be technically called, I'll do it. But I'm no dog, I won't sit when ya tell me to. Got it? All I want is to know where my office is so I can get to being useful around here."

Jonathan shook his head "You are kindly mistaken if you believe I see a young woman as a dog. You are smart but that wasn't a very smart statment."

I made eye contact "Quit taking things so seriously,Crane. Which office is mine?"

He continued the eye contact "Office #24, the one directly beside mine,Miss Quinzel. Don't make too much ruckus,will you?"

I shrugged as I winked "See ya later hot stuff!"

I entered my office, as old as it looked I believed I could revive it. Plugged in my radio,put up a photo frame and filled the drawers with candy and pens. Decent enough. I looked onto the paper for my log in information, not having any luck. I grabbed the patients files, automatically eyeing The Joker's. 

A knock on the door filled the room as I jumped out of fright, Crane entered the room with his hands behind his back "I believe you left your login paper out in the halls. Not  a good idea. Anyways your first patient will be here in a few hours. I need to analyze you and see if you are fit for some of these people. Sound okay?" as he sat the paper on my desk.

My eyes fluttered in dissapointment "If I'm fit for the job?! I was hired wasn't I?!"

His familiar chuckle sounded "Personally, I think the Joker will eat you up and spit you out. You'll be fine with everyone else, but there is no denying that he preys on people like you for entertainment. If it irritates you so much that I ask a few mandatory questions, then I will not. Square that up with Quincy later. Joker was just put in Arkham last night by The Batman. So yes,he is your first and more than likely last client."

I giggled loudly "Crane you sure talk a lot for being so little minded! So in a few hours I'll meet the real man of Arkham! HA HA!"

Crane walked out of the room,embarrassed or angry. I really didn't care honestly.
I got up,locked the door and sat on the patients sofa. Of course I needed a nap! I've done a lot today!

*Hours later*

I was awoken to the loudest bang on the door I have ever heard.
"Arkham Guards here with your first patient! Open up"

I jerked up, looked in the mirror (is it wrong that I actually wanted to look good?!) and approached the door. I opened it to see the green haired man himself, smiling and in a strait-jacket. The guard followed closely behind "We stay where he stays."

I shook my head "No Sir,you won't be needed now. You can go in the hall way."

He began to stutter "Do you want to get killed?!"

I smiled "No killing tonight,just psychiatric evals. Thanks guys! Bye!"
I closed the door as I looked at my client,not dissapointed either. He was good looking and a real charm. He looked in my eyes "And you leave the guards out there for what? To seem tough?" 

I smirked "No Sir, just thought that the best of friendships are built off of trust, and I trust you."
The Joker sat on the sofa "I believe we are good for eachother, Miss Harleen."

The Corrupt Captivation of Harley Quinn & The JokerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora