Evaluation (pt.1)

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*Harleen's P.O.V*

I grinned  as I sat in my office chair "Yes,Mister Joker, we are very good for each other! You help pay my bills by being a client and I help you get better!"

Jokers posture straightened "All I am to you is a simple payment? Oh boy, you're a lot more cold than I had thought! HA HA!"

Of course that wasn't how I had meant for him to take it. I quickly changed my gaze onto the ground "W-well I didn't mean it that way, I promise you are more than just a-"

The joker blatantly interrupted me "Of course,of course Darling, I understand. Gotham is no place for a gentleman like me. And you are far too delicate for a city that doesn't understand. The hardships and dilemmas we share,that makes us special."

I sat there in shock,trying to take in all of what he had just told me.  "You think we share somethin'?" I knew my knowledge was my best attribute but his best was nothing less than his psychotic tendencies. A chuckle filled my ears "Many many things we share. We are outcasts,unseen by most,heard by all. I know you,Miss Quinn." 

My eyes widened "Oh,nice ta' know. Let's get to the eval now. I wanna go home.."

The Joker continued to smile "Whatever you say Miss. I want your help,oh so badly." A wink following his statement. I grabbed the tape recorder,turning it on.

I began to ask the primary questions "How about we start with you telling me about yourself? Maybe somethin' you like about yourself and what you like to see in others?"

The Joker popped his neck with side to side motion "OoOoh I like these!! Well let me start calmly, I was raised in the dumps,the slums,whatever a lady like you would call it. Mom had no morals and Dad abused us any chance he got. I was an only child, I was always different. Nobody played with me,my neighbors hurt me. All I had ever known was pain and being left out. I  never understood fun until I made others laugh,to see that shimmer in their eye when the joke was just right. Later on people quit laughing with me and began laughing at me. I had no money, and was willing to go as far as I needed to become anything different than my father."

He paused for a few seconds, "Will you come a little closer,Miss Quinn?" 

I didn't hesitate to follow his request,maintaining eye contact.  

He continued his story,only this time a little more emotionally " So I made some friends,the same ones that told me no when we were younger. And they had offered me a new life. I knew they weren't as genuine as they seemed.  I loved their attitude with a rainy day leading to something sunny, but some of us couldn't move on. I wanted nothing but to leave them in the same shambles I was left in. And this is where things get entertaining,Miss Quinn."

Once again leaving his story behind "Get closer."
I leaned forward, averting my weight from my behind to my elbows on the desk.

His voice became harsh "I said closer."

Once again I gave in and followed his request,almost inches away from his face. He changed his posture,leaning in aswell.

I watched his grin widen "Good, now lets get to the story."
Fascination tracing his eyes, a demented manner following.

"They invited me to something important,something they knew I could help with. I was bait and they got the real dollars. So the night of,we met up and I didn't hesitate to come prepared. A .38 derringer up one sleeve and a trick up the other. All 3 were there filling me in on my duties they expected from me. Yeah yeah yeah,get the cash give the drugs. If all goes wrong they promise to come and "save" me. I couldn't help but laugh knowing they had no plans of keeping their only promise. We jumped in the car headed to the exchange. They all sat there planning out how it would go,with a grim smile on all of their selfish faces. I laughed knowing it would ALL turn out differently. They continued to snicker as I looked out the windows making plans for myself. Which of course they weren't involved in. Up ahead in my view something caught my attention, a gas station."

I continued to stare in his eyes noticing a wander in them. The Joker was no longer in the same mindset he was in 10 seconds ago. I watched the guy turn wacko in less time than I had thought.  I waited for his next part of the story to only be disappointed.

The Joker shouted "BANG!" A sound sending shivers down my spine and making me wince. 
I yelled "What did you do,Joker?! What did you do to them?" 
The Joker leaned in much more making our foreheads touch "It isn't about what I did to them,they did it to themselves. Now let me finish. I seen a gas station and I knew just right there what I wanted to do. With no time to waste I pulled out the derringer,shooting the chump behind the wheel. Of course we drove nearly into one of the gas pumps missing it by feet. Everyone was scared and unstable other than myself. I got out of the car and walked 10 feet in front of it. I shouted to them "I'm sorry fellas but this is where the story ends! Too-da-loo!" I aimed the gun at the pump and fired, sending them to flames. Not a regret on my mind,I snacked on the sweets I had up my other sleeve as they screamed in agony. Point is Harleen, do what you feel and never give up!" A cheesy grin after it all.

I realized that this guy was worse off than I had thought. 

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